@OmegaTandy Look at that beautiful & innocent face!! WAIT ~ did I say innocent?? NOT!! But he IS a puppy so enjoy every moment you have with him as a pup ~ it's for sure, he's going to enjoy all of you!! He is one handsome fella' !! Congrats to your family!!
You can have some of the snow here! It has't stopped snowing in about a week now. When the dogs go out to chase the squirrel they are bounding through snow up to their backs!
Sounds good! I'll check w/the vet, it soundslike putting super glue in cracks on feet and hands. I'll also look into something to keep him warm. I used to guide down in s Utah. I love that area. Everything east of Capital Reef onto the eastern slopes of Boulder Mt. Kicked around in the San Rafael Swell and down s Cedar Mesa during my off time. Beautiful area. Thanks agan.
I had never her of "Best Brace" before. That is really interesting! They seem like the perfect pair! They are beautiful and quite the matched set. Thanks for sharing.