Tail wagging
That's interesting, I had no idea that some B's didn't wag. My girl wags every time we come home get up from the couch or talk to her. It's a very tightly curled tail that jiggles back and forth very quickly. It's pretty funny. I have yet to see her tail uncurled even when she's sleeping.
Both of my girls are tail waggers and yodelers. They are very demonstrative about their feelings. I am always greeted with vigorous wagging and a loud yodel from Rally and Rio fills me in on the whole day with series of yodels, burrs, and I don't even know how to describe them sounds. Nicky on the other hand will occasionally give me a dink dink of his tail but only really wags it when he is trying to entice the girls to play with him or he is waiting for his turn at the lure. Nicky also does not yodel and rarely vocalizes at all.
My Nikki is a b-mix and she's a wagger. Stormie is purebred, and he wags his tightly curled cinnabun tail. Somedays I think he's going to propel his little behind right off the floor the way he gets it going! He rarely makes any sounds, though - the only time I hear him make sounds is a growl, or an occasional bark-oo when he's "playing" with the cats.
Lexi's tail wags ONLY in anticipation- not in happiness. She wags it mostly for the lazer pointer. She knows that when we pick it up to look at the ground. She'll look around for the red dot to appear and start wagging her tail, slowly at first and then a little faster. She'll pick up her feet and you can almost hear her say, "Where is it?! Where's the light?!?!"
Since we're talking about tails, some of ours their tail never uncurls, and others the tail can straighten out and go limp.:D
Just like us, there must be those Bs that are more laid back and those that are always just a little bit uptight :D !
Some tails you couldn't straighten out with an iron…....uptight, that explains it.:D :D :D
Anyone who visits is so excited when Nala is sittingor laying in their lap with her tail straighted out (as much as it will, the very end is a hold-out)! They feel such a sense of accomplishment!
Joey's ears lay back on his head when he is very excited to see me. He has also given up a few baroos for me when my hands have been full and I haven't been able to give him attention right away. Otherwise he is silent, well of course except for the occasional grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr when someone tries to move him while in a warm comfy spot!
My Abby wags her tail but it's almost her whole butt, my other dog Missy who is not a basenji but has the same tail wags her whole butt too.