Hello to All
wrote on 28 Dec 2006, 13:57 last edited by
My name is Janice, and I have been actively showing Dobermans since the mid 70's. I have finished my share of dogs, have been active in obedience, match show judging, and of course, comformaton showing. I have felt that the exhibitors in the Doberman circle, are not friendly, nor do they support each other when someone wins..I have owned a wonderful Basenji for about 4 years, and think he is the coolest most loyal dog I have ever owned.
I just aquired my first show puppy, Zaharah, from an East Coast breeder, who has been friendly, supportive, and just a wonderful woman, Debbie Hauri. This little puppy bitch, is flashy, loving, so smart, and friendly. She fits my household like a glove, and rules the roost in my heart, as well as my other Basenji, my show Doberman, and my pet minpin. Everyone is a happy camper.. I just wanted to introduce myself to all of you, and hope to be in the show ring by late March with this wonderful little blessing.. -
wrote on 28 Dec 2006, 14:32 last edited by
I just aquired my first show puppy, Zaharah, from an East Coast breeder, who has been friendly, supportive, and just a wonderful woman, Debbie Hauri. I just wanted to introduce myself to all of you, and hope to be in the show ring by late March with this wonderful little blessing..
Welcome to the forum Janice! I am familar with your breeder, she produces quality dogs.
Great forum, enjoy, post some pics of that B!:D
wrote on 29 Dec 2006, 20:25 last edited by
Welcome to the forum. I look forward to seeing pics of your "family."
wrote on 31 Dec 2006, 14:17 last edited by
Tahnk you for the warm responses to my introduction. My two Basenjis are , Dale a 4 yr old red and white, out of Bud Light King, who I had to neuter due to my male Doberman not accepting another male into the hoousehold, shame, he is georgeous.. I have not named my little bitch, who I got from Debi Hauri, who is brindle and white,, a puppy to die for!!!! I call her Zaharah, but haven't thought of a registered name yet .. I will post pictures as soon as I get some taken..
watch for her in early April on the East Coast.. Janice -
wrote on 31 Dec 2006, 18:41 last edited by
Welcome! Frankly we got and finished our bitch (she is now 7) and I found all the senji people helpful and kind. Sure, you want your own dog to win, but none of the nastiness that is so sadly common among Rottie people. :(
wrote on 1 Jan 2007, 02:04 last edited by
Hi Janice! Look forward to seeing pictures of your pack!
wrote on 2 Jan 2007, 11:39 last edited by
I am so thrilled by everyone being so nice to me.. I have been an obedience judge at match shows since the 80's, and the funniest breeds to watch, always had my compassion and humor, but never saw a Basenji dare I try with Dale? I would love to try lure coursing with him HE actually comes when I call him… all right not Every time but at least 85% of the time.. I feel that Basenjis not only look so sweet, act so funny, move so royally, and love so hard, think on their own, but I could only wish to find a man who was the same....smiles Janice Rivendell Farms
wrote on 2 Jan 2007, 12:21 last edited by
wrote on 2 Jan 2007, 17:07 last edited by
Welcome! This is a great place to share, learn and have fun.