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not coming in heat

Basenji Health Issues & Questions

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  • Split heat cycle?

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    3 Posts
    Sometimes seasons take several cycles to settle down. This is nothing to worry about, just another reason why you should let nature take its natural course and not spay a bitch before it has, and you know she is hormonally fully mature. By which time you will probably have found there is no need to, anyway, because keeping her safe from the boys is no big deal
  • Heat cycle

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    18 Posts
    I learned about bulldogs from my friends Norma and Frank Hugo of Hugo Bulls. They have over 150 specialty wins since 1967. I have seen the trauma of heart disease, cleft palates, and idiots who don't know they require c-sections until their bitch starts to whelp and crush the rib cages of their puppies.. or die because they can't deliver them. Breeding basenjis is a breeze compared to bulldogs. You say you have read for years, but I would bet I learned more from hanging with Norma over 30 yrs ago than you have. For the record, it is "bred" not "bread". <to self.. don't feed the trolls>
  • Getting spayed in heat

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    6 Posts
    This is a late answer but for someone who might read this in the future we will post it anyway. The risk is much higher to the animal and it certainly raises the risk the animal bleeding out. There is also more swelling. We were going to have our Show Basenji spayed this year. She went into heat slightly early and our vet said that we should wait until after the heat was over before he felt comfortable doing the spay for the reasons mentioned.
  • First Heat as a Spring Heat?

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    7 Posts
    Please let us know what he/she says…
  • Sally has blood coming out of her?

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    33 Posts
    @massagemom3: Your right the SPCA wasn't even concerned that they allowed a female to be there and didn't physically check her. They said may she was too hairy down there. NO HAIR! , I kept asking where is her inguinal scaring…my vet didn't even look. I'm going to a new vet! It also explained her being aggressive approx 1-2 weeks prior to us noticing her season had arrived. And Yes she is VERY clean. We just kept her in the kitchen with fresh towels every day, and she had little "show". She had enough mind you,but not a huge amount. She was so clean that she threw up a few days from cleaner herself. YUCK! I felt so bad for her. She slept a lot. But she is getting fixed soon. Yes I am having blood work done before the procedure. The SPCA didn't feel the need to do that, so I said No thank you. Good for you!!!!! Sally is lucky to have a great caring MOM!!!!
  • Behavior during heat cycle?

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    6 Posts
    Just a word about pyo….the ones that are the most deadly are called a 'closed pyometra'...meaning the infection is sealed in the uterus...nothing comes out..the dog just crashes. When their is fluid leaking you can catch it, and treat it. I think it is unlikely that Jazzy has a pyo, because her activity, and appetite are still relatively normal. A lot of bitches change a little during estrous...some get more crabby, some more clingy. Then when the added change of bringing in a boy, I would imagine she is just subdued :)