2 Bmix puppies at kill shelter
I don't know if I'm allowed to do this but I am on the BRAT list to adopt a b and just received an email about these 2 B mixes. Thought it couldn't hurt to pass along but might in fact save a life:
There are 2 Basenji mix puppies in the Arlington Shelter, they are female, about 2 months old, red, straight tail; owner surrender. http://www.fototime.com/{427B3B58-D009-4F95-B8F8-7DBC9EAA46D0}/picture.JPG
Arlington Animal Services, 5920 W. Pioneer Parkway, Arlington, Texas 76004-3231
Tel - 817-654-4973, Fax - 817-451-8573
E-mail: Art Tawater at