@katoman Hey, you should really try to relax some! You jump to the defensive all the time!! This is a forum......it's for everyone to voice their opinion!! You're not on trial here! It's really pretty interesting when a bunch of people start voicing their idea's & opinions! You're not going to get sue'd because you bred your dogs (at least not by any of us & doubtfully by the folks who bought the pups!). I bet there's a happy guy in there some where ~ let him out for awhile! Okay? It's easy to get along with most everyone here!!
I can't really see - what is he trying to pull down in the video?
Have you edited movies on the iPhone yet. Just beware that with the current software that if you edit a movie it overwrites the existing movie you have - no way to keep a separate version. Ask me how I know :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:. Software version 3.1 is supposed to be released soon with that fixed.
Thanks for letting me know 😃
Don't know exactly what's being 'defluffed'. I think it is some kind of isolation material.. They are building there..
well, not really a bed, but its what he uses, and its often times me! he has a nice big crate with two very large dog pillows in there, but no, laps and anything inconveniencing for me is a lovely place to nap. here are a few examples.
heating vents of course
strange place…
and of course, chow chows make wonderful warm fuzzy pillows!