So, we had the dogs in the kennel overnight Friday and when I picked them up Saturday, Lion's left eye was swollen all around the eye, though the actual eye looked fine. This is the same eye with the corneal ulcer 4 weeks ago, also on the day we picked them up from the Kennel.
So, while in the past, I would have waited a while, I wasn't; about to this time. My normal Vet is open Saturday AM and I was about to go there but figure I would go to the Vet School since they had seen her so recently. Turned out it is nothing! At least nothing related to her previous issue, which they were again impressed with her healing. They think she probably bumped into something and gave use some anti-inflammatory drops and a few pills. Its kind of funny because my wife said it looks like someone punched her in the eye. Just swollen up all around like a boxer but you just can't see the black eye bruising.
So, now I feel like the hypochondriac pet owner, but she is still fine! And she is getting so much stronger.