Well, it sounds like you are on the right track in what you are doing-asking people to ignore her until she feels ready for the new person interaction, not threatened, and on her terms. She is a little insecure (not bad, I have a hound dog that will do the same thing if I am not there, otherwise she will lick you like you are part of the pack/family) She needs to have interactions slowly and on her terms and in time will possibly improve with maturity and self-confidence. She depends on you and your partner as protectors of her pack, and when she is ALONE, she is defensive. NORMAL to some degree. Maybe the next controlled situations where you have people over, instruct them to ignore her with not eye contact, no talk, no touch, and throw a treat. You both have to ignore her as well, let her gain confidence. The very fact that this person is here lets her know all is well. Leave the room, come back. In time she will accept. Now, mind you this is being typed without being there and observing the whole context. Hope this helps…..Deb