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Sandie is acting up…

Behavioral Issues
  • Sandie is 5 months now and a handful…She is getting bored and tearing up what ever she can find thats paper... I took a shower and come out to find a new roll of paper towels strung all over the house... my husband went out to his shop to come in and find a pack of pictues chewed and strung all over the house... I guess i need to "B" proof the living room and kitchen now...We keep all the other doors closed so she doesnt have access to the bathrooms and bedrooms... we was tee peed not long ago by guess who "Sandie". At night we dont really have a problem with her roaming the house so we leave our bed room door open in case she needs to go potty, she sleeps with us and is a bed hogg...Ohhhhh and i forgot about the outdoor issues we have had a few weeks ago all my potted plants in shreds...I moved what wasnt destroyed to the front yard...
    Its been raining she hates rain so i carry her out every 3 hours to go potty under the tree and back in... but now that the rain has stopped she goes to the mud holes and plays in them...
    She still thinks of my hands or any ones elses as chew toys ... you cant pet her with out her wanting to bite them... if she isnt biting your hands she wants to groom them... same as biting it pinches...
    Other than being a lil destructive lately shes doing great...potty training complete so far no accidents... I picked up a easy walk halter from petsmart and that seems to have taken care of the pulling issues.. they wanted me to get the head halter i tryed it in the store she bout went insane... i was afraid she'd hurt herself...
    She knows now when i get her halter out and one of her t-shirts shes getting to go bye-bye she loves to go...

  • @Sunny:

    Its been raining she hates rain so i carry her out every 3 hours to go potty under the tree and back in…

    I don't think carrying her will make her tolerate the rain more. JMO, but I believe in letting them get used to it. Insisting she go out on her own in the rain & snow will ensure you're not having to carry her later on. my dog was less than thrilled about rain too - but each time he went out in it, on his own, he got praised like he won the gold!

  • :( I too had problems with the chewing issue, all my things on tables, my bedroom dresser and such have been B proofed. Everyting I have is moved back on the tables to keep Sahara from getting them. She loves paper also, and forget the toilet paper, she will do anything to get that. We can't even keep it on the roller, she shreds it with her teeth. I try to keep her out of the bathroom, but hubby is bad about closing doors. She just last week tore the paper cover off of one of my favorite table books, and one of the corners on the back is chewed. I was so mad, that book cost me $40, and besides it was my favorite. I have tried everything to keep her from surfing the tables and anything she is NOT to have, nothing works, she is too stubborn. So to no avail I have ordered an inside electric training tool. It will give her a little zap whenever I use the hand remote, only a little to start out with. I have the electric fence in my yard and she is familiar with what happens when you go over the line, it was the best money I have invested in her training. I hate to do it, but I have tried all I can to get her to stop chewing up my things. I buy all kinds of chew bones, rawhide, and toys, she rather have something that is off limits. I will let you know how it works, it will be worth it if it works, $100 online.

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    Good luck with that. Be aware that those kind of devices can be very damaging when used by people don't have much experience with them. The fencing is easier to use, because the dog doesn't associate the shock with the human. If your dog gets the idea that you are shocking her for disobedience, you could have a really unhappy, if not aggressive dog on your hands. I hope you have a professional trainer teaching you how to use the device is really, really critical in order to not damage your dog.

  • @youngandtired:

    nothing works, she is too stubborn.

    sorry, I don't buy it. I know for a fact that you are probably smarter than your dog. I don't care how "stubborn" the dog is, there are other ways to prevent and train. one positive training class would cost about the same amount of money, and provide techniques to effectively communicate with your dog.

  • Tonight i come home from work and Sandie had another lets tear up the house while moms at work and dads not watching me…this time it was a box, the pictures again and the carpet where it has no metal thing going across the end piece... she's just getting crazy about destoying things when no one is looking... So tonight my husband put his things up where she cant access them... cleaned up the mess then got mad at her for running from him so he crated her till i got home.... I have been having to crate her bout a hour after i get home for time out... I dont like doing this but shes makes me crazy... even tho my first hour is spent playin with her... she still wont calm down... I guess i will start crating her again when i leave for work... and hope the husband takes time to let her out every few hours.

  • Hey Sunny,

    This is a really common problem when the dog wants more attention than it is getting. Dogs will do naughty things just to get attention…humans yelling, shouting, cursing...all attention, in the dogs eye same as any other kind of attention. An hour of play really isn't enough to wear out a puppy. She needs A LOT of physical exercise to use up all that extra energy. Try taking her for a long walk, or finding a doggy day school, or dog park near you. All those things will make her to tired to be looking for extra attention. And, I agree that she should be crated when someone can't be physically watching her...ignoring her in another part of the house is just asking for trouble.

    Our youngest basenji will seek out something to shred right in front of us if she feels she isn't getting the attention she wants. And it is human nature to get angry at her for being so destructive...but she is just doing what works for her...if she starts to shred a piece of paper, she knows I will stop what I am doing and go get it...mission accomplished. Her desire to get my attention is greater than her fear of reprisal when I get to her.

    Prevention is the best you have figured out, you have to put everything valuable out of the reach of the dog, and then put her in a safe place when you can't be watching her. That way, everbody is happier.

  • I have found that with my "problem child", it does help to crate him a little more when he's in destructo mode. I don't mean 23 hours a day, of course. Just when he starts ramming around LOOKING for trouble, sometimes it's better for him AND me to give him some nice crate time. Then I'm not fuming. So when I have time for undivided attention, I'm relaxed and he knows it.

    It would seem that when he's high energy, the crate would be the worst thing in the world. But it doesn't seem to be the case. He DOES need activity, don't get me wrong. But he also needs less opportunity to get in trouble.

    My "well-behaved" basenji child wouldn't yet be able to handle being unattended for hours while I'm at work. She would be lonely and insecure and eat my shoes. And she's three!

    So I'm not sure if I'm being reassuring or not. I am one who believes in crates. Like real belief, like FAITH. :-) It's not giving up on discipline. It's helping your household have some routine and regulation.

    When I'm away (for several hours), these are the instructions I give to family members. "Feel free to hang out with the dogs. When they come out of the crates, please give them a chance to pee. Enjoy them as long as you want. When you are ready to do something else, please put them back in their bed so they can be safe. The crate is the default unless you can give them your undivided attention." Why? Because I know my family. They will say to themselves… "aaawwww, the poor widdle puppies, they shouldn't be TRAPPED in the CAGE of DOOM" and let them out and play with them for 30 seconds before leaving them to their own devices for four or five hours and THEN complain that the dogs ate their gameboys and all the Doritos.

    Crate is the default when I'm away. :D

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    This SO bears repeating! What an awesome way of explaining a great training technique! Thanks for clarifying why crates help humans and dogs be better partners!

  • I really agree with the crate also. Cali is crated while I am at work and other times that I can't give her my undivided attention. I havent had her destroy anything valuable, but she is a chewer and if left unattended for just a few seconds will find something to get into. Some of my friends think I am cruel for crating her while I am at work, but they complain when they go home and their dogs have detroyed furniture, clothing, etc.
    Sometimes Cali will go to her room(crate) and just stand there expecting a treat, it is so funny to see. Basenjis are so smart and unpredictable. Even though I use her crate for time out she doesnt see it as a bad place. I have crate trained every dog that I have owned and I am sure it has saved me a lot of money from potential damages to my belongings.:)

  • I think Basenjis are JUST LIKE two year children.

    They act up when they are tired or feeling in need of attention,
    if I don't want something played with I put it away,
    and I would never leave one running free and unsupervised in my home!

  • @JazzysMom:

    I think Basenjis are JUST LIKE two year children.

    They act up when they are tired or feeling in need of attention,
    if I don't want something played with I put it away,
    and I would never leave one running free and unsupervised in my home!

    Yup, can't be said more clearly :)

  • @JazzysMom:

    I think Basenjis are JUST LIKE two year children.

    They act up when they are tired or feeling in need of attention,
    if I don't want something played with I put it away,
    and I would never leave one running free and unsupervised in my home!

    That's funny, I was thinking of coming back to this thread and posting exactly that.

    Last week, my sister and I were talking: my basenji boy was figuring out the childproof (haha) locks on the kitchen cabinet – and her two-year-old human girl was found peeing in her dad's shoes in the closet. Yep, they are JUST like two-year-olds.

    Of course, we can't crate the human ones...

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    Oh....we can't?.....(quickly looking around to see if anyone noticed son in crate) ;)
    Actually I have seen people at dog shows put their small kids in a large crate to keep them safe and contained while they were in the ring. My mom about had a heart attack (those kids are in a DOG crate!) ...but I thought it was an awesome idea!

  • We all have our opinions, but I want you to know that my Sahara is very important to me. I would never do anything to permanently hurt her, we love her so much. My electric device has 10 settings, and one is just a loud sound, I am only going to use this device when nothing else works, Ok, and it will never be used on the highest setting, and never to much. Jessi, I have been to classes with Sahara, and they cost plenty, this was a last resort as I stated. We all know our Bs better than anyone else, they all have different temperment, Sahara is the most loving dog I have ever had the priviledge of owning, and if I don't like the device I will not use it no matter the cost.

  • << but I want you to know that my Sahara is very important to me. I would never do anything to permanently hurt her>>


    I have no doubt you love and cherish Sahara. I have never stated or implied that you don't love her very much. I am only trying to give you an educated opinion about electric training devices….do with it whatever you want. The fact is, for those devices to work you have to shock the dog at least once...and most people are not experienced enough with them to only have to shock the dog once.

    It is hard to say nothing else has worked, as we don't know what all you have tried. But usually consistancy with any one method is more effective than trying them all. Again, good luck with whatever you decide to try....

  • Wow - I thought Duke's house manners have been exceptional and good during all the days I've been reading this thread. But this morning, Duke failed me. He dug a 4" hole in the sofa back cushion . . . the cushion that is not removeable unlike the bottom cushions. Yeah - the stuffing out and you can see it. He must have done it in a matter of 20 minutes!! The time he was alone in the family room while getting ready for work. WAHHH! How am I going to fix it? It's a $1600 sofa! :mad: Even though he is a 9 mo. old neutered male, could this change in behavior be due to "that time of year" for the girl basenjis when the boys have frustrations? Or just plain old bad behavior?:eek:

  • Just got home from work. He was in his crate as usual when nobody is home. He went crazy on the comforter that I put in there. Pulled out the stuffing in one corner. From reading the behavioral posts, I am going to assume he is having a "relapse". He was doing so well, that I thought I had the best Basenji~~~guess he is no exception. Back to the bare bottomed crate. I just hope he doesn't figure out how to slide out the pan like some already do. That's why I asked in the above post if it's "that time of year". Or it's just behavior typical of a young "teen-age" basenji? Any how, we're back to the puppy basics. We're not going to trust him for awhile. Gosh, we were even experimenting leaving him free if we were only gone an hour or so. He was a perfect angel every time. Duke can just forget it now. He goes thru and destroys his chewys so fast, I think that because he doesn't have any right now, he might be frustrated? So it's my fault for not shopping for him ~~~ geeesh!! This guy is the most expensive dog I've ever had with the treats, toys and "clothes"! He certainly acts like a spoiled little two year old - like I read in a couple other posts. I feel like I'm being taken for granted, by a dog no less!! OK - I got it all out - I think I'll feel better tomorrow. WHEW!

  • lol Jill.. you crack me up! I think it's typical bored basenji behavior. remember… a TIRED dog is a GOOD dog. or a crated and occupied dog can also be a good dog... so you may need to provide some new toys. I rotate my dog's toys (tough toys that last, like KONG, Squirrel Dude, nylabones, treat ball, etc...) then when I change it up - he THINKS I got him a NEW toy, when in fact, I've just hid it for 2 weeks. This method keeps a bit of $ in my wallet.

    also, your dog is 9 mths... he's entering what I lovingly call "the idiot phase". they act up, act out, get into trouble, test you, and conveniently "forget" their training... just stick to your guns, provide outlets (toys & exercise), and be consistant with training (this includes crate training and verbal training).

    some quick things around the house that make GREAT toys... paper towel tubes... fill w/ kibble, bend the ends inward to close tube - let dog destroy it to get kibble. Carrot sticks are also GREAT (and healthy) chewies and they help to clean the teeth too! empty tissue boxes make fun "treat dispensing cubes". I found it satisfies the need to chew, destroy, and play... and keeps the sofa safe.

    I hope this helped.

  • Thanks Jessie76 - I'm doing my best to keep a sense of humor. These are good "cheap" tips for keeping his toys interesting. They're like the box kids play with most, even though the big toy that was in it sits alone in the yard. I have to get more creative here, it makes sense. Sometimes, things have to be repeated, don't they? Funny how Basenji humans are the ones who have to learn their lesson. I know some people who wouldn't put up with it. The dog would be gone! (I couldn't do that, my heart would break.) I also take this training as a challenge. It takes discipline on our part so they do their part. OK - I'm ready . . . stick to my guns!

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