Thank you! Johnny/Rose will be a good match in a few years. Johnny still has to fill out, but has absolutely great movement-too bad he hates the stand. They are both on the small side as well. I'm hoping for good things from the pairing.
We look as though we're going to be snowed and iced in for several more days. The Basenjis say Hooray but I'm not so sure. They're like children - always trying to find the untrodden snow. Bungwa never wants to come in - he's even out there at night!
I love the pictures, Nicola!
Great pictures - Cody looks like he was really enjoying the snow! But the last picture says it all - "okay, that was fun but now I'm cold and tired and leave me alone" One of mine would probably play in the snow; the other wouldn't put one single foot in it!
Sometimes I let EL D sit on my lap while I work on the computer but often he gets antsy and stands up and starts to try to climb onto the desk and snatch stuff. :) Just like in your picture
Kenzie is very cute. When I first saw his face, except for color, I thought he looks like my Duke; profile and expression. Their muzzles are bit long and have the same shape. These are very nice pictures. Glad you shared - thanks.
I'm sure Duke is a mix, and no dog smell with him either. A double blessing!