One time I heard Arwen SCREAM and whirled around to see what my daughter had done to the poor probably mutilated dog. She spilled water on her head, lol.
However, WAHHHHHHHHHH, Arwen does have teeth problem. We had her teeth cleaned last summer, took her in to do it again and she had infection and lost a tooth. I feed barf (raw bones) and have NEVER had a dog, even my elderly ones!, need their teeth cleaned. But the vet says the way her teeth are in back, she doesn't and will never chew on them and clean them. So I am going to get a toothbrush and start reading about how to live with no fingers (jk.. I am sure she will leave me a few nubs). Because I had never had a dog with teeth issues, I simply didn't start her out as pup brushing her teeth. Once the vet removes checks her mouth Tues, the fun will begin.