Nipping feet
In your experience is the nipping constant, we can't even pet her or hold her without biting. I am not sure if this something we should be concerned about. I figured a little bit here and there but any contact we have with her seems to invite this behavior.
All petting/holding stops when she is nipping, tell her "no bite" in a firm stern tone, turn your back on her and ignore her. She will get the idea that this is not acceptable behavior.
Was this litter born at Doris's? How old was she when she left her littermates?
She was born at Doris's. We got her at 9 weeks. We are firmly telling her no, it doesn't always work. We do try to redirect her with other toys but it seems she likes to play bite people a lot more. I hope this is a phase and it passes. I appreciate everyone's input as this is all new to me. Do they grow out of this and how do I know if it is out of control?
We have had Kipawa do this on occasion, usually when he has been in a particularly silly mood (like right after a poop!). If I walk at a regular pace, he has tried to grab the back of my heel or calf. He gets NO attention when he has done this. What works for us is either to slow the pace right down, or stop. If I stop walking, he is trained to sit at my side, which he does. If I slow down, he just doesn't see slow movement as much fun.
Also, in making the correction, try not to make the correction itself sound like too much fun. She might be linking it all together, seeing the correction as fun/play time. If re-directing, do it in a matter-of-fact way. Hope that makes sense.
This can be a tough one, but work hard on it now so she understands that action is not acceptable. Because sad to say, there are people out there who if subjected to this, 'could' report your dog as a biter. Not everyone understands dog play. :(
I have a 10 week puppy too, so I can tell you you're not alone. I play a hard game of fetch with her, give her lots of chewies and I'm lucky enough to have an older basenji that loves to play. But she tends to get really crazy when she is tired and will bite anything that moves. That's when I know it's nap time. Making sure she is well rested has helped me a lot. Good luck! :)