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Sandie got her rabies shot today

Basenji Talk
  • Took Sandie to the vet today for her last set of shots… shes a big girl now :( ... in 7 weeks she has went from tiny 7 lbs to a whopping 18 lbs at 14 weeks... The vet saids shes a perfect little girl...other than she isnt very social with strangers... she dont nip or bite or jump on them she just stays back and is scared to approach...maybe we need puppy classes now... we talked about rabies vaccines... here in oklahoma u can go 3 years ... I dont know if that is a good idea or not ?? We dont live in a area where she would come in contact with a wild animal or contact with stray animals... we also talked about falconi ... which even tho Sandie is a mix the vet feels it could be possible being we dont know her heritage...whats in her blood line...All in all im just happy to have a healthy baby...

  • Great news about Sandie! Sounds like she is growing like a weed. I also own a mix B (we think whippet is what she is mixed with) and I just recently learned about the falconi disease. I believe I will start testing Hollie within the next year. She was approximately 1.5 when we adopted her in December 2005 and I've heard I should start testing at about 3 years of age. I am currently seeking a new vet and would like to find one knowledgeable of the breed. I am also confused about the rabies and other shots. Some people say you can overvacinate and others say not to worry about it…. I guess the jury is still out on that one. Keep us posted on little Sandi's progress. You'll have to post new pics as she gets bigger.

  • When Abbey got her first rabies shot at 6 months she was sick for several days afterward. Then she had a seizure and had to go to the emergency animal hospital. Her liver enzymes were elevated as in hepatitis! The vet swore he'd never seen hepatitis after rabies vaccination. In my state yearly vaccination is required but and this is the part I don't understand vets can give the 3 year dose if they choose to. That's what the vet did without telling me! We have a new vet now who knows her history and he gives the one year dose then watches her for several hours. No problems since.

  • @Lenora:

    When Abbey got her first rabies shot at 6 months she was sick for several days afterward. Then she had a seizure and had to go to the emergency animal hospital. Her liver enzymes were elevated as in hepatitis! The vet swore he'd never seen hepatitis after rabies vaccination. In my state yearly vaccination is required but and this is the part I don't understand vets can give the 3 year dose if they choose to. That's what the vet did without telling me! We have a new vet now who knows her history and he gives the one year dose then watches her for several hours. No problems since.

    Okay want to get even madder? MANY vets use ONLY the 3 yr vaccine but you pay one price if you ask for 1 yr, another for 3 yr, and they tag accordingly! When i first read that I had a fit, but its common.

    Anyway, I give pups the one year shot, then go with the 3 yr the next time. I can't tell you if its rational, but I just like to keep the amounts down til they are mature.


  • My vet sems to be very knowlegdeable about basenji breed so i trust alot of what she tells me… but im not sure about this 1 yr and 3 yr rabies shots.. i guess i have a year to make up my mind.. and read more about it... Sandie seemed to do fine shes had no reaction to the shots but seems to be proud of her new addition to her collar its like "Hey looky what i have !!! "

  • I have been told that the one year and the three year are the same dose; and that the reason they need the second shot at the one year mark is because it is a booster to get the immunity strong, before going to the every three year schedule.

    I also usually give a dose of benadryl before the rabies vaccine, because I have had quite a few reactions to the rabies shot in puppies. I also always, always, always separate rabies vaccine from the other vaccines…by about a month.

  • I no longer allow the vet to give any other immunizations with the rabies shot, and I always give Abbey benadryl with any shot. We also have a vet now who is more in tune with basenji issues. There are horror stories with all immunizations and I'd rather be super cautious than to lose my precious dog.

  • We had Dayna to the vet for her vacinations couple months ago. The vet gave her two at the same time. We just did not know that she could have a reaction and trusted the vet. Dayna had a terrible reaction to the immunization. Her face was all swalled up, she was very unconfortable, screaming and licking her feet, running all over…it was a horrible experiece. it was over a weekend and we could not take her back to the vet, only thing we could do was giving her benadryl, which helped fortunately. Learning from the hard way, I won't have her two shots together for the next time.
    Just after Dayna got her shots, the vet wanted to give her an examination. however, Dayna did not like what he was doing and she just turn and bit him before I could hold her. I felt very bad and embarresed at the moment. But after that night, I am (don't want to say glad) somehow feeling ok about it. We have another shot due this week and I am taking Dayna to another vet.

  • Sandies last shot was a 2 in 1.. omg i would have freaked out had she had a reaction to it.. maybe i need to add benadryl to my list of emergency items.. any one have a list of things other than the stretchy tape bandages ?? If these vaccines are so dangerous why dont they develope something that has less side effects…

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