Those are great videos! Ebony looks very content to just chill and let Hope do all the work. Hope lets out a huge yawn at the end, like saying "aww.. I am giving up". Then Ebony pounces as if to say "look, I could have done that too, but I just chose not to. But I DID want you to know I could have done it". 🙂 You have two lovely b's!
Ariel @ agility practice (video)
Ariel and I had a great time at agility practice. I hope you enjoy the video!
Lovely video and what a clever girl - a clear round!
Oh that's a super start!!! How long have you two been training?
Awesome! Very inspiring!
Very cool… and well done!
Very nice, I wish there were places in our area to train, it looks like the dogs love it.
Very nice, I wish there were places in our area to train, it looks like the dogs love it.
Ariel and I both have a blast
Oh that's a super start!!! How long have you two been training?
We started at 4 months. So about 6 months. We had to miss one 6 weeks session when we went to the National.