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Chipley was attacked

Basenji Talk
  • Oh so sorry to hear … poor Chipley!
    My female was attacked (no blood TG) three times by three different black dogs (2 were basenji bitches) and now any time she sees a black dog her hackles go straight up. I have to grab her when we see the one in the neighborhood or she'll take out revenge big time!

  • Chip was happy and went toward the gate to greet a couple of white American bulldog-types, that were there with a couple and woman with a kid. I really wasn't paying much attention, he is social and very benign….In 10 years of going to dog parks almost every day, this is only the second time we have had to go to the vet for an injury

    First, and foremost, I am horrified and so sorry for his injury. :( I have seen dogs attacked and know how terrifying for you also.

    But (you knew a but, right?)…I guess I don't agree with your considering 2 times in 10 years safe. Yes, we know I am not a dog park advocate where no precautions are taken (such as assigned areas by size, reserved areas for known friends etc). I also wonder why you weren't paying attention. Dogs first coming in gate are the number one place fights occur from everything I have ever read. No matter how benign YOUR dog is, that has not so much to do with the other dogs. That the owners acted fast and he isn't dead is luck. That they KNEW the dog had an issue and THOUGHT they worked it out, appalling. The dog should have been muzzled or the dog park option removed. I would have the people pay for the vet bills and agree to NEVER return with their dog. I would also consider petitioning the dog park for a sectioning off area where people who KNOW each other and each other dogs can sign up times so your dogs can play with other dogs without concerns. Sadly now his interaction might make him fearful enough to cause other dogs to attack him, or him to posture with them. Take it very very slow if you must return to the park. Try to arrange to go when few are there with a friend or 2 with truly trusted dogs. And try to teach a solid recall, watch the gate, call him to you until new dogs enter and settle down.

    I believe in socializing dogs to other dogs, but not in uncontrolled settings. Dogs are not little children who need a huge variety of play mates. I am not going to bother giving research and quotes and professional opinions because I respect you have the right to decide for yourself. But I think people reading this thread need to at least see that dog parks are not universally seen as safe or a good idea. And to realize that obviously however responsible you may be, there is always some idiot owner out there that can cause your dog to end up dead.

  • I'm really sorry Anne. I think Chipley will rebound but may not like or be leery that type of bread now. I do agree with Debra on attacks at the entry gate. They all rush up and overwhelm the new comer.

  • So sorry to hear about Chipley and I hope he heals quickly both physically and mentally.

    While I don't take my dogs to dog parks, I know many that do and don't have problems. I think any time you take your dog off your property you run a risk of something happening, no matter where you go. We have bought huge walking sticks to take with us when we walk our dogs because of all the loose dogs we have here.

    I do think the owners of the other dog should be held responsible for the vet bills and hopefully are smart enough to never take that dog back to the dog park.

  • @DebraDownSouth:

    That they KNEW the dog had an issue and THOUGHT they worked it out, appalling. The dog should have been muzzled or the dog park option removed. I would have the people pay for the vet bills and agree to NEVER return with their dog.

    Poor Chipley. I hope he is resilient and can put this behind him. I 100% agree with Debra, it sounds like these dogs need to be muzzled and that the owners should pay Chipley's vet bill (or at least a portion).

    I would go talk to the owners and impress upon them that it was bad enough that it was Chipley that got hurt, but next time it could be a child or adult human being, and that can lead to messy law suits. It's also for their safety as well. And I always wonder when someone says "that is the first time anything like that has ever happened". Usually with a little digging, you can find out it is NOT the first time. Yup, more training needed for those dogs, and they need to stay away from dog parks unless securely muzzled.

  • I disagree with the thought of putting a muzzle on a dog in a dog park. Puts that dog in total danger of not being able to defend itself. Even if the dog has issues, it will make that dog far worse, IMO. Bottom line, I like Debra do not use or go to dog parks and do not like them much.

    Of course that is the same issue I have lure coursing, all the dogs should be muzzled, because the one that is, is at the mercy of ones that are not.

  • So sorry this happened. I hope Chipley recovers from his ordeal and that he has a speedy recovery.

  • I hope that Chipley makes a speedy recovery. I know it will be the emotional trauma that takes the longest.

    I also want to say to those recommending muzzles for aggressive dogs at dog park that this is really a bad idea. Muzzles may limit the bite potential but they give everyone a false sense of safety. A muzzle punch can be a surprising hard strong blow and delivered by a large dog with a lot of mass to a small dog can be quite devastating. Also even with a muzzle on dogs can get teeth on things. I have pry my dogs off the lure in LGRA racing and they all run muzzled but can all get a grip with teeth on the lure.

    An aggressive dog shouldn't be at dog parks. That being said, not all owners are honest enough with themselves to take responsibility for their dog and keep those dogs home which puts your dog at risk every time you go to a dog park. Dog parks work for some people and some dogs but for many people I know it goes like so many other things we talk about, it works until it doesn't and then you hope that the damage is something recoverable. I have a pup I bred that was nearly killed by an Akita at the dog park, he had been going for 3 years with no problems until that day. He now has a structured play group with known dogs rather than risking unknown dogs at the dog park.

  • Thanks for the well wishes, everyone. Chip is much better today, he was perky on our walk this afternoon. Still very sore in several places, still on pain meds, but seems to be returning to 'himself'.

    To clarify, it did not happen at the gate (we always get far from the gate), the new dogs had entered and come down to the beach, Chip trotted over to say hello. It is a short beach and the dogs all run up and down it, playing and chasing balls, etc. The owners have taken full responsibility and will pay the vet bill. They came by today and brought a basket with chews, toys, treats, a get well card…and a bottle of wine. And they are calling a behaviorist, and not likely to bring the girl back to the park for a long time, if ever. Usually issues that we see involve intact males, often of the bully variety, and it is easy to just be elsewhere. My dogs don't go up to those dogs, we are pretty observant and have avoided problems for the last 10 years.

    So, Chip will be OK, as 'bad things' go, it has a relatively good ending. Hopefully Chip will be fine at the park, truly we so rarely see anything like this. One of my friends' basenji was far worse when attacked by a loose neighborhood dog. I have had to fend off loose dogs a few times, and then I am by myself, so while dog parks are surely not 100% safe, neither is a walk around the block. At least at the dog park, there are always people around to help. Life isn't safe, it's all a gamble, but I can't imagine just keeping them at home, not going for walks or to parks or dog parks. We are careful, I watch everyone that comes in and leave if a dog looks risky...but obviously even a nice looking dog can 'go off' with no warning.

    So yeah, philosophically I don't believe in giving up freedom for security, but I sure was scared when my dog was down and screaming. We will go back to our little neighborhood park, but I want to have Don with me, I'm less comfortable taking them alone.

    Again, thanks for all the good wishes and suggestions, I appreciate all my friends here so very much!

  • Poor little guy!! Hope he gets better soon!!!

  • Not sure why you said: Chip was happy and went toward the gate ::: if they were far from the gate and at the beach, but whatever. And btw, I can't walk my dogs here– too many loose dogs. My neighbor walks her chows, but they are BIG chows and at least with her baseball bat, she has a chance. I won't risk it.

    I do agree muzzles are not an answer, and the dog simply should not be allowed back. However, if they insist, at least a muzzle gives a little protection so you don't usually end up with a dead dog. I frankly think if your dog needs a muzzle, it shouldn't be at a dog park. However, a dog with a leash AND a muzzle are pretty common and do provide a lot of control when you must take a dog in public.

    It sounds like this was a serious wake up call for the family and obviously they care about what happened. That counts, to me, for a whole lot.

  • **Readin that story gave me the chills.

    I'm glad to see you and your B came thru it OK. I must admit, that once my guys finished schooling as pups, they are never again around other dogs and that's one of the reasons why. I'm out in the country where I can't even see my neighbors house and that's exactly how we like it. If something like that ever happened to one of my B's, they'd have much more to fear from my reaction than any four legged creature in that park.

    Just like with children, there's folks that should never have a pet of any kind because they can barely take care of their own needs let alone those that go along with a pet. They'll chain a dog to a wooden box in the back yard and forget about it day & night. Or they'll let it run the neighborhood and expect everyone else to look out for it. If you talk to them they'll tell ya they have this breed dog or that breed, but barely interact with it 5 minutes a day.

    Please forgive my rant, it's sad that you had to go thru that, but I'm happy your both recovered..**

  • We went back to the park tonight for the first time since the attack and Chip was a little cautious, but found some dog-friends and relaxed. He did stay very close to us. Still has swelling and tenderness, scabs, on one side of his neck but physically and emotionally, he seems to be OK.

    Thanks again to all my web-friends for the support!

  • Anne, I am so sorry to hear Chipley was hurt. I know how you love to be at the dog park. I love seeing the pictures you share.

    debbi j.

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