Debra, I will not flame you, nor attack. I truly appreciate your opinion. I've been having quite the inner battle over this dog. Your words, speak the truth that I do not want to hear but, they are true. I am contacting a pug rescue in my area and having her picked up. I do agree that in a house with older children or no children would be best for her, but at. The same time, I feel like I failed. I know its stupid to feel that way. Last night she went after the cat, and while she didn't do damage, its a risk to everyone.
She weights around 30lbs, and I thought I had seen pit in her, and my dad saw boxer in her. She doesn't have the personality that I was expecting. My pug is as sweet as a dog can be. He has never growled, he was raised with kids, and I took him every where. I got him when I was 16.
we made the descion to let her go, and in a couple years, depending on where life takes us, I am gonna get another pug puppy. My pug is close to deaths door, and I think we were too quick to take on another dog, especially one who has not been properly socialized.
Again, I do thank you for saying something that most would flame you for. Honesty is a rare thing to find these days, especially online.