Chewing Toys
A busy-ball type device that you fill with kibble and he has to knock it about to shake out a piece at a time might keep him busy. Some folks use this for one of the dog's meals, they have to work for the kibble.
We have one of those and it's great! We got ours from
They ship to Canada but it's at least a $30 charge for shipping :(
That's a really high postal charge! I have a post office address in the U.S. that I have things sent to. It's only a 10 minute drive for me to get there. I ordered a few items from SitStay and qualified for free U.S. shipping.
I might be ordering a few more things from them within the next week or so. Would you be interested in one of the Kibble Nibbles? Let me know - I'm sure we could work out something.
That's a really high postal charge! I have a post office address in the U.S. that I have things sent to. It's only a 10 minute drive for me to get there. I ordered a few items from SitStay and qualified for free U.S. shipping.
I might be ordering a few more things from them within the next week or so. Would you be interested in one of the Kibble Nibbles? Let me know - I'm sure we could work out something.
I have a friend who lives in the states that I could send it to and he could ship it here. Thank you for the offer. I'm just wondering if it's sold anywhere in canada.
Most pet supply stores have them. They should be fine for your pup as they are made for aggressive chewers. They come in different "strenghts"…you can try the puppy Nylabone and if he destroys that move to adult ;) I take them away when the edges get frayed from chewing.
suki loved puppy nylabones and devoured them regularly. she wouldn't touch the adult ones until she was about 10 months. now she likes them, and they last much longer. here, they are very common and are even sold in the pet supply aisle of most grocery stores.
suki loved puppy nylabones and devoured them regularly. she wouldn't touch the adult ones until she was about 10 months. now she likes them, and they last much longer. here, they are very common and are even sold in the pet supply aisle of most grocery stores.
okay thanks! I'll keep an eye out :)
I second the recommendation for bully sticks. Watson loves them. You can also try Nylabones, some dogs like them…some won't touch them.
Regarding bully sticks - there are some that are braided. Those seem to last a decent amount of time. Just remember to take them away when they get down to the last couple of inches.
Regarding bully sticks - there are some that are braided. Those seem to last a decent amount of time. Just remember to take them away when they get down to the last couple of inches.
So I was at wal-mart to pick up some things and I found the nylabones for puppies.. they only had the small brown ones.. I saw braided ones but they didn't say they were for puppies so I just got these for now. He's been chewing it a bit but the first one I had out… Basil walked away from it and my older dog came right by and snapped it up... oh boy was Basil mad :) He chased all down the hallway into her room... so at least I know I can give them to her if he doesn't like them :) Also, I saw there was a treat dispenser ball there but it's really big... I bought it anyway and he seems interested and we'll try it at the next meal... thanks guys!
Bully sticks are a good chew, they don't bite off chunks to swallow. You just need to take the last couple of inches away before it gets swallowed.
Have you found any that aren't REALLY expensive? They are outrageous here (like six bucks for one short, skinny one) so I have never purchased them. I would love to find a reasonable, healthy (i.e. not from China) source for these as I have heard they re great.
Cricket has been chewing on bully sticks since the day we got her, and you can tell if she loses it… she chews on everything else.
We are lucky to have a huge pet/pharmacy store in town. For $6.50 you get a 19" stick, and they are from local producers.
My husband's cousin is also into the raw dog food business and specializes in elf meat. The elk antlers are fantastic chews! Cricket loves the larger ones that are cut in half, so she has easier access to the marrow. So far, she hasn't been able to get a chunk off of it. -
My Basenji is 8 mos. old and probably like most basenjis is very particular about what it will chew on. She prefers to chew on and take things that she knows she shouldn't, just because she knows that makes it more valuable! She has never had an interest in Nylabones. I found Greenies to work…which are supposedly good for cleaning her teeth as well, but our dog quickly got bored of them, and they were too soft and didn't last long enough. A rolled piece of rawhide seems to satisfy her, particularly if one end of it is soaked in water for about a minute to soften it. That will help to get the dog started on chewing it. I know some people condone rawhide but our dogs have always chewed on it and lived long lives. Large bones with a little smoked meat on them work well too. Our dog loves pig ears but it gives her gas and too many can't be good for her health. Avoid chicken bones as they break and are hazardous.
My husband's cousin is also into the raw dog food business and specializes in elf meat.
yes but here in the states it's hard to find elf meat outside of the Christmas season. ;)
LOL totally meant elk!, those elves are too quick, and baiting only works on the leprechauns… ;)
yea, I figured that, but "elf meat" had me giggling all day.
so thanks. :p -
should have added, my pups also like the elk antlers split.
yea, I figured that, but "elf meat" had me giggling all day.
so thanks. :pX 2 ;)…
Sorry I couldnt help myself !!!
My puppy is a chewaholic! I need some ideas for toys that will keep him occupied and away from my bedding, clothes, shoes and furniture! He has a squeaky shoe, a squeaky no stuffing raccoon, a blue gel like "bone" with rope on either end, a small stuffed giraffe, a larger stuffed hippo, a small ball, a kong (that he's never touched… even with peanut butter in it), teething rings (I think they're too hard), two rope toys and a plastic/rope toy for tug o' wars (he hasn't touched). Am I missing any really great toys that will keep him occupied? Any ideas? Even if it's a homemade toy, any ideas would be great... thanks!
Do take the stuffed toys, the gel filled toy, the squeaky shoe, anything plastic, and GET RID OF THEM!!!! If he is a chewaholic like you say, then the plastic will get swallowed, the fur will be chewed off and swallowed, the stuffing may eventually end up in the gut, and you too can spend $$$ at the Vet's office and guilt to boot! I paid the price-believe me. When dogs try and get rid of it and spit up, some gastric juices can be inhaled, Uzie now has pneumonia, and a fever of 104 as of this morning's vet visit-third in 10 days…......Bully sticks as MacPack suggested, PreenPet has a good website for chew things that only natural ingredients in them, not made in China.....
Please consider safer toys!