Honestly, I wouldn't worry about the whole dominance thing. There is no evidence that shows humping has anything to do with social rank, nor will NILIF (which is a good lifestyle for any dog) directly address the problem behavior.
Chances are, he's humping because A) he's excited
it feels good (either physically or it's just FUN) and C) because he can.
Zepar used to sometimes try to hump my leg during breeding season. Just interrupt it (clap your hands or say, "Uh-uh-uh!") and then redirect him into an acceptable behavior. Then praise, praise, praise. So you have to decide, what's a good alternative to humping? For Zep, because I knew it was sexually related (only during 'that time' and because he was intact) I bought him a great big doll and encouraged him to hump -it- instead. We'd get his hedgie doll and I'd get him totally ramped up. When he humped it I'd let him know how AWESOME he is. Tug of war (with rules) might be another good alternative behavior. Whatever you choose, I'd make it something active and engaging.
I also would not push him away if you can avoid it - this can be seen as a play invitation. Chances are, you'll recognize "that look" so redirect him before he starts humping you. That way you both win!