Andrea, there is a difference between debating, however strongly, a topic. When you go into personal attacks, another issue. Let me say it straight. Using your disagreeing with my style or my opinions to make personal attacks is, imo, more bullying than my expressing my opinions on topics. I guess if you make personal attacks, you are still miss saint. But if I strongly disagree about a TOPIC, I am a bully. Okay then. But note, I have on my big girl panties and am addressing it. If I didn't, I'd go crying to others how I am so afraid of the breeders here, blah blah blah. I am simply pointing out your hypocrisy in calling me a bully for strong opinions on topics and your jumping ME for "interpreting" or "twisting" your posts, yet you seem to do a magnificent job of that on mine. Either we both get to interpret and declare we are the expert on the other person's intent, or we both aren't. Just another thought.
And truly, I was unaware you speak for everyone and that so many are afraid to voice their opinion. In fact, I notice any time someone disagrees with me several jump in so obviously not that afraid.
However, I am sorry if people actually claim to be afraid to speak. I truly hope they learn it is a message board. People don't agree with you, they don't agree. What the heck is there to be AFRAID of? If you don't like someone's opinion, ignore it. If what you are afraid of is that someone might prove your opinion lacks logic, research or proof, well, that's another issue. But yes, you obviously DO think your job is to police my behaviors or you would confine yourself to discussing the topic, address a problem when it arises… and not a global analysis of my behaviors declaring me a bully etc. There is a big difference between saying "Heads up, that came across as sarcastic" and saying "You are a bully." I am sure you appreciate the difference.
And btw, YES, if you think I am over the line, please tell me at that moment. Really! It isn't policing when someone ASKS YOU TO GIVE INPUT. If I see it then, I can correct, apologize or at least understand the issue. You might not believe it, but it is rare my intent is to make someone feel bad. And if you tell me and it IS my intent, at least I can say so and there is no question. But if it isn't my intent, it is a win/win. I consider your view, change the post so that it gives what I WANTED it to. I mean that. Just don't wig out if I don't always agree. Even when I don't agree, telling me will help me spot the issues.