Hi, Socialization was one of my worries and I wanted to get it right, get your friends over and have them wear hats and bags and anything and everything at different times, what we did at home was just getting the household socialization such as umbrellas, pots, rubbish bins etc started and if you have friends with vaccinated and friendly dogs get them around. There is a lot of socialization you can do before your pup is fully vaccinated at home, rubbish day is a good day for standing at the gate watching the big noisy trucks go by, picking up the bins and banging them down, watching the mower, hearing the motorbike being started. Just remember let your pup take it's time don't force it when it is uncomfortable. Our 6 month old boy is doing great and is quite a confident fella. At 14 weeks we did puppy class for 7 weeks and only started going to a dog park at 4 months and he automatically knew how to be a dog when he was with the other dogs. Good luck.
Cool but pricey Felt Dog Site
I have no affiliation with the site or artist, just thought they were cool. The Basenji is a bit weak in my opinion. The Miniature Schnauzer is amazing
Basenji - $200
http://www.etsy.com/listing/9328414/needle-felted-dog-custom-miniature?ga_search_query=basenji&ga_search_type=user_shop_ttt_id_5239899 -
The play bow pose is cute!
I likes this:
Yes, that's pretty good - maybe making the ears is hard.
The chinese crested is well done. -
My friend Vee Dooling does them too and lists on Etsy, I had her make a Fresian horse for my sister last year and it came out great. Here is a whippet she currently has listed, her prices are better. I had her make a quilt of my basenjis from photos last yr and it came out great.
I didn't realize Vee was still around; i used to see her on my felting forum, but haven't lately. good to know she's still around.
Here are some samples of my work:
and just for fun:
yes, i'm happy to take commissions and hopefully will get an etsy account sometime in the near future. (Prices are more along the lines of the second etsy site. Dragon is more.)
How much lead time do you need for an item? I love the Dragon, my son collects dragons and will be 27 in Oct, that should be good lead time:)
you can email me at kdmbasenji dot com. i am willing to part with that particular dragon or you can tell me more of what you'd like in a dragon.
Are they done in traditional felt or knitted felt? I've never attempted animals - they're exquisite!
mine are needle felted. this is where you poke wool bat or roving thousands of times with a barbed needle. Mine have wire armature and most have needle felted eyes, a few oddballs of mine have glass eyes. All of mine have felted noses.
^wow! your tri looks amazing (yes, i'm prejudiced)! good work!
thanks, after i posted that pic, i thought it wasn't a really good pic b/c you can't really see his eyes. Felted eyes on a dark dog is an adventure. He is currently vaccationing in NC right now.
They are gorgeous - you are very clever.