Basenji-less in Austin, Texas
Hope everything works out well with Nayru and how about some pics of your failed foster ;)
If Nayru loves him, here is Batman, the failed foster attempt. He's a chihuahua x dachshund we think. Definitely gifted in the cute area. Not quite housetrained but getting there.
Loves belly rubs and leather sandals. :|
Some of his toy haul from my trip to PetSmart.
On a 10" square couch cushion. I'm very firm about my policy about animals on the furniture. Only when their feet are tired of being on the floor. :)
We went to the park. He had a lot of fun. He crashed when we got home. He still had his loaner collar on. This was sized completely down and he could still slide out of it. The owner of this collar was supposed to hit about 50# (Catahoula mix) but he tips the scales at 95 now. :)
Batman is very cute, thanks for posting the pic :)
Patty, Batman has no fear and seems to have a preference to larger dogs as playmates. There was a Boston Terrier puppy (we think they are about the same age) who does not know how to back down. Batman got very cranky and moved from play to STOP IT really fast. Dugan doesn't get dog messages at all. Batman decided Einstein, the Catahoula (100#) mix and Foolish, the Saint mix (150#) were his faves.
Wow, Arwen..I am so happy for you..can't wait to hear that you finally have her home with you
Oh I am so excited and happy for all of finally happened..