Una My Friesian
Okay Maya, unless you want to adopt a 54 yr old woman, I am going to begin officially hating you. Hedgies AND a Fresian? OMG. LOL, I would love a Fresian. Here in the USA good ones are an arm and leg and first born child. You have a truly LOVELY horse. WOW. Ribbing aside, thank you for sharing those beautiful pictures.
The other breed I love are Drum horses!
I have been riding since I was 4 yrs old, had never heard of them til about 10 yrs ago.
A friend of mine breeds the gypsy coloured horses :D They are very very common over here lol!
I am very lucky to have Una, she is definately a dream horse for me. Took me 10 years of waiting and saving to be able to afford her. They are very expensive here too and i wanted a quality horse. You can get unregistered poorer quality friesians for about ?2k, but i decided to save a few more years and get a good one. She has some of the best breeding you can find so i consider myself very fortunate to be able to have her. Beautiful and a temperment to match - perfect!