I agree with Pat. Its best to put the crate in the bedroom where you sleep. It helps if the puppy can see you so they feel safe. In the old days, we used to use a windup alarm clock because the rhythmic ticking reminds the puppy of the mothers heart beat. Of course you do not want to put it in the kennel/crate, but you can put it on top or next to it so the puppy hears the sound. You might be surprised, but another thing that can work is music. I do not mean rock and roll (lol), but soothing soft music can help. You want to make sure the bottom of the crate, towel, pad, or whatever is on the bottom remains dry. A wet cushion, towel, or bottom of crate can put a basenji puppy in distress and will eventually cause them to scream. They do not want to be trapped in the crate if they have an accident.
New RN for Xander
Our Rally time went by too quickly, we had a great deal of fun earning Xanders Rally Novice. Trog is entered in a trial over labor day, so now I can concentrate of working with him in prep for his turn in the ring. Now just the last whippet to start training, then on to Rally Advanced work with all 4 of them.
Fantastic…congrats to you and Xander! Love the photo!
What a goooood boy!
Thank you, we were entered tomorrow too, but as its so brutally hot at 110 and humid, I'm glad we can stay home. If it had been cooler I would have gone back for more practice, as he get such a kick out of doing his little sits for me. He is all wiggly when we come out of the ring.
Congratulations! He looks stunning with his ribbon. He KNOWS it, doesn't he!
Congratulations to Xander, what a proud boy with his rosette.
Congrats… that is super
Congrats Xander and to you too..he looks smashing in his ribbon.