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11-week basenji nips my 5y/o.

Behavioral Issues
  • Yes Carol is an excellent breeder!…. is this pup from the litter that was born in January? and she can certainly give you some good pointers about working with your pup. lvoss's suggestions are totally right on...

  • @tanza:

    Yes Carol is an excellent breeder!…. is this pup from the litter that was born in January? and she can certainly give you some good pointers about working with your pup. lvoss's suggestions are totally right on...

    right on! yes, Zaire is from the litter born in January!:D… incredible that you would know

  • @chronicresearch:

    right on! yes, Zaire is from the litter born in January!:D… incredible that you would know

    You will find that most all responsible breeders know each other and are familar with what they have or are breeding… ggg

    I have known Carol for years and years and see her quite a bit at shows. Also know both the sire and dam of your pup.

  • Our Zelda was quite the nipper, too :) I'm happy to report that she is no longer doing this (at age 17 weeks – I think). It's a pain while it lasts! We used the game over approach and she learned fast. If she was chomping on us, the game instantly stopped.

    Zaire is a cutie!

  • Welcome. Your pup is lovely. I think you will find doing all the above suggestions will work.
    Glad you found a great breeder to get your pup from.

  • chronicr-

    1. pat (tanza) is one smart cookie and has probably forgotten more about basenjis than many of us will ever know.

    2. your pup is very cute

    3. as has already been said, you need to make sure your son and puppy play the right types of games. NO wrestling type play. (I know, hard because boys and puppies love that sort of play.) Tug may also not be a good idea between your son and new puppy, at least for right now.

    4. I'd encourage you to read Control Unleashed. Pay attention to when the author talks about threshholds. Play the Off Switch game. My 3 year old will get a little nippy when she's over threshhold (ot) or frustrated. The Off Switch game will help you recognize when your pup is starting to get ot and will help the pup settle. Also having a nice command like "Mat" is useful. My dog LOVES her mat and it is almost a default behavior for her. (Not sure what to do? Hmmm, I'll go to the mat and down. Mom is almost always generous with rewards when I'm down on my mat!)

    4. find a good, positive trainer. Many places now offer a Family Dog type class that should be helpful for everyone. Ask about kids-n-dogs when you interview the trainer.

  • @agilebasenji:


    1. pat (tanza) is one smart cookie and has probably forgotten more about basenjis than many of us will ever know.

    LOL, thanks, but my hats are really off to all of you that do agility and OB work with your Basenjis… I have learned lots from all of you...

  • Zaire is so cute, as is your little son.
    Good luck and keep posting (if you have time),;)

  • I hate to offer suggestions since I have not had a Basenji for very long and the one we have (4 months old) appears to be a Dream Basenji so this may not work for most Basenjis but even though most have similar traits, ours is quite different but I will share what we've done with our Basenji girl incase it can help in any way.

    We've had her since she was 9 weeks old and from birth, she was socialized around children so she is very used to them and loves them. Based on your story, it sounds like your dog is just trying to play but of course there needs to be ground rules laid out. Since they are very smart, they often know when you think they are doing something wrong. Our girl started off nipping from the beginning but we took her mouth and closed it and held it down while sternly saying: "NO"! Well she looked at us as if to say: "What?" (lol) but was scared. She of course tested a lot to see how far she could get but again, we kept doing this and sometimes would hold her mouth down until she started to cry a little (we're not hurting her at all but some might take this as cruel behavior…? not sure but in our family, we LOVE our dog and spoil her rotten BUT we let her know who is boss). So anyway she appears to be a really well mannered dog so this may not work with a more stubborn dog and I know most Basenjis are stubborn so perhap we are just blessed with a good tempered dog.

    We tried a combination of things: bone, chew toys, etc and the best approach appeared to be this so we just continue to be stern with her and grab her mouth/hold it closed. My daughter is 4 so she would just cry when Willow (our 4 month old pup) would nip at her (she was only playing with her but still) so like most kids do, she started copying our behavior so now I hear my daughter yelling "NO" at the dog and holding her mouth closed (showing no fear whatsoever) and have found Willow crying all sweetly (never thinking to turn around and bite Kaylie- my daughter). She then looks at you and puts her head down and appears to understand because then she comes over and starts licking instead of nipping so again, maybe we just have a special dog (of course, she's special :)

    I think we are just really lucky so this may not work for you and hopefully there arent people out there thinking we are cruel for doing this (we're not beating the dog or mistreating her in any way- I can assure you of that!) but its worth a shot. Dogs will look at kids like their play mates and nip them as they would their dog siblings so they need to look at them as a higher rank and having your child start disciplining the dog (with proper parent supervision of course) could help.

    A neighbor of mine told me she would pull her dogs tongue whenever he nipped as a puppy because he was very biting/mouthy and it seemed to work so maybe that's another approach.

    Best of Luck!

  • I know that I disagree with either way, holding the mouth shut and pulling the tongue… and maybe it will never happen with your pup, but both methods can lead to a head shy dog.... or an accident waiting to happen

  • Doing rescue, I have found many dogs who are handled harshly around the head are head shy, you can hardly put a collar on them. I have to say, anything from a human hand should be gentle to the dogs head.
    I wouldn't do the training you mentioned Megs.

  • well… we've been using the "ouch!!!" and give an alternative... method thus far. but to be honest, it hasn't been working all that great... (but i'm sure patience is key). It does seem as though she has lessened the pressure at which she nips and actually goes for clothes more than parts of the body now... but the nipping continues.

    when she does grab a hold of clothing, she tends not to let go... and rather than get into a tugging match with her, i gently place a finger into the the side of her mouth at which time, she'll let go...

    Generally, when she starts this, she'll continue... basically, once she lets go, she'll be at it again within the next 15 seconds... we've tried engaging her by playing with her in more appropriate manner, i.e. "fetch".. well.. attempted but nothing really settles her down. even sitting down petting her, she'll flip on her back to have her belly rubbed and she'll get really mouthy in the process... it appears that she simply gets more worked up if we engage her. I've tried placing her in her crate after and giving a toy/treat and let her stay in there for 10 minutes or so... and she'll settle... but when we let her out, she's at it again...

    It's kind of hard to tell if any progress is being made since she has good days and bad days...

    Also... she is not like this the VAST majority of the day... in fact, she's a perfect angel most of the day... extremely obedient, and very close to being house trained (not that we'd trust her alone just but she roams the house most of the day, finding places to nap and sun bathe... she rings a bell to exit and enter the house... all in all a super sweetheart and well mannered... it's really just twice a day that she becomes somewhat "rowdy."... in the mornings, and early evenings... and she's like this for maybe a half hour or so... it's just like she's a totally different puppy! Jumping on the furniture, sprinting around, and trying to nip people.... she's obviously having fun because she's play bowing, and just looks like she's having the time of her life. but she certainly won't listen to any kind of commands to sit or down... even though she KNOWS "sit" and "down" very well... (as she does it ALL the time except when she's in this mode...).

    She does get walked in the morning for about 30-45 minutes... and on somedays, she gets walked in the evening... but she is played with throughout the day... her version of fetch... which is us throwing a toy and her running to it and pouncing on it... with an occasional retrieval!

    At any rate... we're continuing to do what we are doing in hopes that she'll catch on... she's a very smart pup from what i see MOST of the time... it just appears that she has no desire to listen for these short bouts of time.../sigh... Either way... we just figure... persistence... persistence...persistence...

    any further recommendations would be greatly appreciated... anything i can try, or adjust to what i am already doing... or do i simply stay the course? i just want her to engage in any other way, rather than nipping at people/clothes.... We're patient with her... but for a pup that learns things fairly quickly, she's having a bit of trouble catching on to this...

    Oh and Tanza.... Carol said that the litter didn't really display any real heirarchy... no pup really displayed being alpha or othewise.. they simply got along very nothing really to report there...


  • If she nips, hands or clothes, shreek, loud, and walk away. No more play.
    It will really work.
    Have you gotten her into a gentle basic obedience class yet? If not, that will help all of the family learn to work with her, and it will help her learn her place.

  • I probably should have mentioned that we started off doing this (holding her mouth closed and saying "NO" and "No Bite") until she understood the words alone so just like any other training when you are teaching dogs simple commands: "sit", "give me paw", "up", "lay down", "drop it", etc…you say the words and show the dog the action until they eventually understand with words alone (or signs of course). Again, I'm no expert but from enough research, animal behavior conditioning, and from previous experience with other dogs, we've never had a problem (but we've never owned a Basenji until now either :)

    Our dog is constantly in our faces getting a million kisses everyday so she is very used to face contact and we've never "harsely" forced her mouth down- we simply closed her mouth with enough force as if holding a child's hand and she never seemed terrified of us. We only did this once she was used to us and comfortable so she definitely seems to understand that biting is wrong because now she stops when we tell her "no bite" and we dont even have to hold her mouth down anymore.

    I definitely do understand how "harsh" treatment causes dogs to become weary and head shy in time but again, we are not displaying forceful, harsh behavior on our dog. I think it takes knowing your dog really well to know the type of discipline that should be enforced and I know positive discipline is the best way but there arent many methods that I've researched that work on getting a dog to stop biting and being forceful/aggressive with your dog will obviously lead to issues down the road as those of you have pointed out which I agree with.

    I am not saying this works with other dogs - it just works on ours and a dog is a dog so an accident can happen at ANY time. Even if our dog continues to be the sweetest thing ever, I am not going to leave my 4 yr old daughter with her alone or let her torment the dog when she wants to play. We have enough sense to know that it doesnt matter if you have a great tempered dog, anything can happen at any time and yes, displaying harsh behavior on a dog will most likely lead to an accident waiting to happen but again, we are not being harsh with her (its one of those things that you need to see for yourself to understand as perhaps I wasnt too clear on exactly how we were doing this in my earlier post).

    We've seen too many dogs take control of the household because their owners didnt know how to handle the dog so they would get out of hand and wind up in a shelter (our previous dog was this exact example- the owners were afraid of her and never corrected the negative behaviors until she became aggressive- we took her in for awhile and she was never aggressive with us or our child- in fact she was the complete opposite of what they told us- very sweet and good tempered. She had issues with other dogs but not with us and after awhile we saw improvement in her behavior with strangers and other dogs by socializing her everyday). Animals can sense how people are and even though our dog knows we are in charge-we've NEVER hit her or acted abusive to her in any way to make her understand we are in charge of the household. Holding a dogs mouth to the point where you are causing pain is obviously abusive and that is not what we are doing.

    So anyway, not trying to cause a battle here but I needed to clarify exactly what I meant and that I am simply sharing what we do (an opinion) not to offer methods that I claim work on all dogs - just ours and I don't think we are being harsh in any way but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
    A dog who becomes head shy or doesnt let you near his/her face, put a collar on, etc was definitely a dog that was mistreated so again, no abuse being done on our dog - by far! She is the most spoiled thing ever and would tell you herself if she could speak :)

  • If she nips clothes then play is done. You can either give a time out or if she redirects to a training session then that is fine. If she is learning to inhibit her bite when she bites skin then that is good. That is what you want and then slowly over time get her to stop biting all together. You want that soft mouth first then the no bite.

    I would also recommend Its Yer Choice to help teach her some impulse control. That may help her to stop going over threshold so quickly.

  • Thank you for giving us more info.

  • Hi lvoss -

    Thank you - really good advice.
    I'm totally open to suggestions - I just never found any other way to make our pup stop biting. She actually is really good and stops herself from biting - she has always appeared to do the soft mouth bite and would look at us while she was doing this to our arms lets say and then we would say no bite and she would stop and start licking us. I mean, we've never seen such a smart, obedient dog. She seems to learn so fast so I swear we never had to hold her mouth closed for a long time. She learns commands after a few times and so its a matter of being consistent with her.

    I wonder why Basenjis are so mouthy? Does anyone know where that comes from? I'm just curious. Our dog, Willow learned the "no bite" real quick but its almost like she cant control herself and just wants to put her mouth on you so just wondering why that is. Do they just do this as pups and eventually outgrow it or its just the breed that loves biting/chewing on everything?

    Thanks for the tips.

  • All puppies are mouthy… that is how they communicate, it is not just Basenjis. Mine do not and never have "love biting".... Chewing, same thing that is what puppies do...

    And if you watch two puppies play.... or even the entire litter... what do they use? Their mouth.. and it is biting "each other" that they begin to get the concept of "soft bite"... and again I stress... this goes for all breeds...

  • Yes, I understand all breeds are mouthy and of course they communicate with each other that way but what I mean is that from everything I've read about Basenji's- they are known to always be mouthy and chew things moreso than other breeds so I was just trying to understand if its just part of their breed (where they are more destructive/mouthy than other breeds) or what the reason was…again, just curious

  • Honestly, basenjis are not even close to the mouthiest of breeds. Labs are way worse. I grew up with labs and worked with many labs that got dumped at the shelter because they seem to stay adolescents forever.

    Even within the breed there is alot of variation in the amount of mouthiness.

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    @skookum9: Sorry for the misunderstanding. I guess I never thought about anyone out there thinking that anyone could suggest lifting a dogs weight by its ear, I guess I'll have to rethink the lack of common understanding in the care of dogs. I will no longer be posting any input on this forum so there will no longer be any misunderstanding of what I write. I will sit back and watch for a spell to see if there is anything that I can possibly learn from this forum as I had initially hoped. If not, I will simply remove myself from here entirely. There certainly have been a few of you here that have been helpful and I do appreciate it and I give my most sincere thanks to those of you who did but I am not interested in getting anymore ridicule about training that one person cannot comprehend. I do wish you all the best but I think I would be best to stay away from this forum for the most part, other than to listen to what others think anyway. I will continue to love and care for my beautiful little girl but I am just not cut out for this place. I think it might be an over-reaction to leave the forum because we misunderstood what you wrote. Forums are a good place to get lots of different perspectives, and different views. There are quite a few regular posters here who have lots of experience training Basenjis, and we generally agree on the best methods for training dogs…that doesn't mean we don't welcome people with different experiences and opinons. That being said, I feel it is important to clarify advice given on a public forum, to make sure that novice owners/trainers don't think a piece of potentially dangerous advice is a generally accepted technique. Don't feel like you need to leave, or be silent :)
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