The girls had a fun weekend showing near home. 5 girls entered each day and Gambit went RWB both days. Leaving tomorrow for a show in Indiana that has whippet majors 4 days. Hoping for whippet points.
I was thinking that for a second.. but I named her Dolce after my brother.. I mentioned why in a previous thread but ill give u a quick lil little overview. He is going away to Afghanistan soon and I wanted to have something to remind me of him. He used to repeat this one sentence " its a dolce" with a funny accent and it annoyed the crap out of me but I ended up just enjoying it after so much annoyance haha! Also I like this Italian phrase "la dolce vita" which means "the sweet life" or "the good life". I guess it wasn't as quick of an overview as I thought.
Its not such a funny threat anymore.
Oh so he did it on purpose to teach you a lesson. ;)
Isn't that the way with these little devils… have to be carefull what you say....they hear everything. :D
This probably won't help, but Deke is really short for Zindeku it means "protective charm" in swahili. Thats not his registered name. His name describes his personallity now, but not when he was a puppy. He grew into it.