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Saliva Screening for possible food intolerances

Basenji Health Issues & Questions

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  • Not Interested In Eating His Food!

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    31 Posts
    I'll just add this in case the testing doesnt give you answers. Anorexia exits. Although nearly ALL cases of dogs who do not want food has an underlying medical cause. But some dogs simply have anorexia. There are drugs that work very good for it..At one point they stopped making one type so we had so we had to switch. They increased Sayblees aggression. So from then on i handfed her.
  • Possible allergies?

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    11 Posts
    Try switching to chicken or turkey based foods. Here's a link to an excellent evaluation of kibble brands: I would also be careful what you put on your hands before cuddling with your dog; lotions, essential oils, etc. can cause allergies in dogs
  • Food for the finicky

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    No one has replied
  • Food grade Diatomaceous earth

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    7 Posts
    Yes, we could control it with the diam. earth, but rather not, their skin gets so dry, I only use it in my yard and coop, spread it all over your yard, on a nonwindy day and it will kill anything and everything, inlcuding fleas, it basically dries them out. I even put it in the feed for the chickens, helps with worms. Although unknown to most, we all consume diam. earth as humans, in pancake mixes, some flour mixes and things like that..keeps critters from invadiing while in storage.. I actually use Comfortis on the dogs, the only thing that seesm to work the best.
  • Possible seizures????

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    15 Posts
    I only just realized where you live, has he been tested for Valley Fever? Here are some of the symptoms of disseminated Valley Fever: ? lameness or swelling of limbs ? back or neck pain ? seizures and other manifestations of central nervous system swelling ? soft swellings under the skin that resemble abscesses ? swollen lymph nodes under the chin, in front of the shoulder blades, or behind the stifles ? non-healing skin ulcerations or draining tracts that ooze fluid ? eye inflammation with pain or cloudiness Here is a link to a full article on Valley Fever, I know there is at least one person on the forums that had a dog with disseminated Valley Fever.
  • The Raw Food Diet

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    4 Posts
    mmm Sounds Tasty. I cooked Cairo's food for the first few years, then moved him to a raw meat diet for a few years. We had a Dalmation who liked raw food, and though she mothered Cairo he would eat this food unusually fast to stop her from getting it first. But when she died, he went off the raw meat so I resummed cooking it up. These days I find he prefers cooked food and eats more of it than with the raw stuff. But it never seemed to do him any harm so good luck with finding a diet that your B likes.