I used an animal version from a highly recommended source on Hoover. She had it daily to try to build up a pain barrier. Just 3 drops. My vet figured out the dosage and she had it with his blessing
Oh, thanks for posting! I'll probably be working, but depending on what shift I get I might be able to come right at 10 for a little bit. Looks like they're just a couple miles from Ann Arbor Dog Training Club where I go. Although doesn't help me much now that I moved Downriver. I'm trying to find somewhere reasonable within a half hour's drive.
Bummer. I will take Joey's plastic away. (Sounds like a title to a song :D)
I guess I knew it really wasn't the greatest, but it keeps him busy for a long time. I watch him and he always "seems" to spit out the pieces he breaks off, but I just don't want to have an accident. I am going to try an edible nylabone today and see how long that lasts. Haven't seem him go for the pricky branches yet.
I agree with having them removed! and I WISH I had done it. I, too, have heard of dogs getting injuries w/ the dews… they get caught. My own dog has caught his a couple of times, thankfully, nothing serious (yet).
So if the dog is under anyways - I say go for it!
and yes, I cut my dog's dew claws like the rest of his nails.
Thanks everyone. I am so very appreciative of your advice. Housesitting is a great idea, but not an option for me as I have 5 teenagers and a husband to "watch". I tried Apolo in his home for the day and when I picked him up at night (I just couldn't leave him there by himself overnight) he went bonkers from being alone all day. I took him to a kennel out in the country as the accomodations at his vet would have meant that he had to be crated all the time which IMO is especially not an option for a big dog!! I worry about Apolo stressing out and have called the kennel to see how he is doing. I will visit as well. I'm really not certain that the kennel would let me know if he was stressing. I don't really know as this is the first time I had to use one. I think I will start another thread on what to look for in a kennel. Once again, learning on the fly!!! I am doing my best and asking as many questions as I can. I also think I may start a thread on how Bs react to Bordatella (I always say, Bortadella, isn't that sausage :D) since I know someday I will have to take Joey to a kennel. I am also going to look at kennels now so that I can choose the best one. So far I have been fortunate and the breeder has been able to board Joey. I think it's like going to Disney World for him!!! He isn't all wigged out to see me when I pick him up!
Jessi-great idea!! Like you my dog is also crated so I'll hide it under her bed. I hope she finds it b/c she's such a sleepy dog lol 😃
Just when I thought I might give them run of the kitchen during the day…C3 surprised us one morning (as I was showering) ON TOP of the kitchen table with his nose in the kitchen sink :eek: So much for that idea!