Hi from Sundsvall, Sweden
There are lots of great breeders in Sweden. And I can certainly recommend Elegant Elephant (although the kennel name isn't the greatest ;)) They are planning to breed their black and white girl next season… ;) www.elegantelephant.se
Welcome to the forum!
I had to chuckle a little when I got a mental picture of a cute little Chinese Crested doing weight-pulling. They look so delicate, one expects to see them lounging around on silk pillows eating bon-bons, not competing next to Malamutes and Rottweilers!
Hope your little Basenji arrives soon, I confess to a big weakness for black and whites.
Here is a video on my little Brat when he pull a chain on 2,5 kilo.
This is very easy weight for him, I was just teasting the new harness.
Welcome to the forum
Thanks Kipawa and Thunderbird8588.
Right now I just read a lot about the breed and has sent email to a few kennels that I like and has been recomended to talk to so I hope I have some more knowledge about the breed later.
If you wanna see more of my CCD and me I have a blog, its on swedish but you can always look at the picture =)