Dry Skin
This happens to all of mine at this time of year. I believe it is them changing their coats. I add a little extra fish oil to their food and give them gentle regular brushes. Baby wipes are good for removing loose hair and dander from the coats after a brush. It soon clears up. :)
I add extra virgin olive oil to both my dogs tea every night. Roughly a table spoonful, maybe slightly more.
Roxy went through a phase of dry skin when we first got her (almost 4 years ago) and since using the olive oil, she has had none ever since.
I changed to Kronch salmon oil last year to try it, but to be honest I didn't see any differences at all to their coats whilst using that and not the olive oil, so I went back to the olive oil. It's much cheaper as well!
All of my dogs have it at the moment, it is due to moulting and the weather I think!
I agree with what the others have said, a bit of oil in the food will help. I also give extra virgin olive oil :D
Better cared for than we are, these dogs! :rolleyes:
Any thoughts here on flaxseed oil as a skin/coat supplement?
I also got a sample vial of hemp oil once, but didn't get enough to notice a difference in my dogs. -
We've been mixing a teaspoon of Cod Liver oil, twice daily to our B's food. Cod live oil can be found anywhere….Walmart and most drug marts and works well for his dry skin and dandruff.
Any thoughts here on flaxseed oil as a skin/coat supplement?
I also got a sample vial of hemp oil once, but didn't get enough to notice a difference in my dogs.I've used flaxseed oil. Works just as well as others.
Just a note here.
Fish Oil vs. Flaxseed Oil
Flaxseed oil contains more Omega-3's than fish oil. However, the Omega-3's in flaxseed oil are in an inactive form (ALA). Special enzymes are required to convert the inactive ALA into the active forms (EPA and DHA). Some animals, especially carnivores like dogs, do not have the required enzymes to do the conversion.
Recent research shows that fish oil has more positive benefits on pets with disease, because the fatty acids contained in fish oil are readily available for use already in the converted form EPA and DHA. Particularly, fish oil has positive effects on dogs with inflammatory diseases, such as allergies, arthritis, kidney and heart disease, and cancer. Flaxseed oil does not seem to be as beneficial to dogs with inflammatory diseases.
However, flaxseed oil seems to be anti-cancerous, and is also effective in improving the skin and coat conditions of dogs.
Flaxseed oil can be a dietary source of soluble fiber. Increasing soluble fiber in the diet can help counter tendencies to constipation.
Fish oil, therefore, is the preferred fatty acid supplement for dogs with inflammatory diseases. Flaxseed oil can be used to improve skin and coat conditions, and to counter constipation and perhaps inhibit cancer growth.
Also flaxseed turns rancid quite quickly after it's ground up so it's best if you can grind only the amount needed and store the seeds in a glass jar in the frig.