• Thought I'd share this recipe for tuna flapjack treats for the dogs. Not sure if there is already a similar recipe on this forum but thought I'd post it anyway!

    Like live cake, most dogs love this. Hope your dogs do too if you decide to make it for them. 🙂

    Tuna flapjack recipe: Please only use if your dog is not allergic to any ingredients.

    Using all human ingredients..

    5oz canned tuna
    5oz milled oats (rolled oats? What I would eat for breakfast oats)
    2 tablespoons cottage cheese
    Half an apple, grated ? any red version, green too sharp, usually
    Half a large carrot
    Grated Spices from the spice rack ? ground ginger, ground garlic, Mediterranean herbs ? a good sprinkling of each (teaspoon- ish)
    Half pint of water

    Instructions: put them all in a big bowl and mix thoroughly, for about a minute. Then tip the mass onto a 12in square baking sheet, lined with kitchen foil (greased). Use the back of a spoon and spread the mix all over the baking tray. It should cover the whole thing. These will be thin treats, not like big chewy bars! Cook in top of oven for 20 minutes at 392 degrees F.

    Top should be golden brown. When cooked leave to cool, then cut into one-quarter inch squares. These treats flex, they are not solid. I have tried them in the freezer, they do freeze.

  • Houston

    this sounds yummy..I bet my dogs would love them, thanks for the recipe..

  • Sounds great - we're going camping next week so I think I'll try the recipe to take along as treats for Gossy.

  • I think we will give these a try Nicola, I have baked liver cake this week much to the dogs delight but they are partial to fish too!

  • I think i will give these a go also, fingers crossed I dont burn the kitchen down!!

    Maya loves fish so im sure these will go down well 😃

  • I made these last night, Malaika should feel honoured as i don't do baking.
    However they were easy and quick to make and she loves them, so do the Cats.
    Just wish i'd remembered to grease the foil though.

  • healthy and just eating nice treats on a satarday. But lunch time in work i tend to have a flapjack with a healthy tuna/bean or chicken salad. Im probabl

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