My fella has never cared one 'lick' for any drinks on the coffee table, from water to coffee to pop to adult beverages. What he likes to do is lick the condensation off of the sides of cold drink glasses/cups. Maybe he likes the cold on his tongue?
D.C. has gained weight!!!
I'm not sure if this picture thing has worked, but D.C. looks great and I can't thank all of you that helped us through this enough! Thanks everyone for your stories and fabulous input. Seems he has a food alergy and so we've put him on " California Natural" wet and dry. Salmon and Sweet Potato. With a 1/4 tsp of powdered probotics a day. Seems to have worked. NO issues, and he's gained weight and energy … Same ol' D.C. dog again!
That is wonderful news, thanks for the follow-up.
So pleased you have sorted DC's problem, he looks great.