Agreed. It isn't good form to be hovering at ring entrance with any dog, really…
True. I've been at many shows when another breed is 'hogging' the entrance and the people with the breed that is 'up' cannot get through without shoving someone aside to get to the ring opening.
If you can find a copy, I would recommend trying to get a hold of a copy of the Basenji Stacked and Moving by Robert Cole. They are no longer in print and can get quite expensive but every so often you can luck upon a copy that is reasonably priced.
Here is an online copy: http://www.basenjiclubofcanada.com/BCOC-BobCole.html
when i clicked the link, i thought did arti win best in show? well, she should have! really, i thought that the maltese had it.
I saw this…Bracco Italiano…this very bautiful dog...fantastic movement...this was beautiful:p