One of these are going to be mine!
Thank you. :) I don't know what day yet - but in two or tre days. No later than the weekend. I don't have a car so the breeder is meeting me halfway, so everything has to work out. (It is a 3 hour drive for here to the breeders house, and 4-5 hours by train including transfertime.)
Anette, he is so cute..I bet you are dyingof excitement.
Keeping my fingers crossed everything goes as planned with the "drop off", please keep us are one lucky girl. -
How exciting for you Anette :D
Fingers crossed for you Anette.
Glad everything has gone ok.
Glad to hear that you have him in your arms..we can't wait to meet him.
Thanks! Here is the film, it sucks - most of the time Kahlo gets in the way, and my computer does not like the program - how ever - be patience and you will see the bouncing Basenji Kasko on the film:
Yes, how cute is he, are they? Absolutely adorable, glad he is home..
He looks like he's always been with you. Seeing Kasco and Kahlo together makes me feel sad we no longer have our big Dog to welcome our Pup.
Looking foward to more updates when you have time :D