Ms AJ, I understand what your saying. I am seeing that the BRAT person working with the shelter is posting information to several basenjis lists.
She even asked for folk who wanted to help these b's be socialized, step forward.
I will post that latest post next. I think the issue is what was wrongly written in the paper. THAT is the inforamation that is the issue. At least, that is my understanding.
Pat wrote in her latest update….......
Subject: BRAT BUSINESS: February 4 Update on Florida basenjis
Here is the latest update on the confiscated basenjis in Florida from Pam
First, I would like to thank everyone for their support. I have had
lots of positive feedback and offers of help. I wish I had time to
thank everyone individually. I will contact offers of help as the need
arises and as the timing fits. I will let everyone know when we reach
a point that help needs change. Currently, we are working on
socializing. We will hopefully soon need special foster homes,
transportation, and approved adoptive homes, pending, of course, the outcome
of custody hearings.
Here is the latest update regarding the confiscated basenjis in
Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties:
SPCA: No news from officials at this time.
HCAS: HCAS officials have been very satisfied with BRAT's assistance
thus far. They would like to continue with me as their one point of
contact for all communication. They are pleased with the progress
they've seen in the dogs. This is the first time that they have allowed a
rescue group to assist in this fashion. We would like to make
sure that it is a success that will encourage use of breed rescues in
the future at this facility. They have been extremely busy with a very
full facility and a large number of confiscation investigations and
relinquishing cases, as well as making sure that the dogs were
sufficiently vetted to minimize spreading parasites, so it has taken a
bit of time to get the process in motion. Please respect the rules and
procedures that have been established to minimize the work for
everyone involved.
HCAS officials and I had another meeting yesterday. Procedures will
continue to be tweaked as time progresses. Volunteers who have
already been to our first orientation will need a mini-reorientation.
Any other orientation sessions will include this material brought up
in our latest meeting. I have a collection of material that I will be
emailing to volunteers. I will also work on setting up schedules. We can
plan on meeting on Saturday, February 6. We should soon be able to add
Sundays to the schedule since the Shelter is making changes to maximize the
use of volunteers. As part of the tweaking process, it has been determined
that I should be there whenever BRAT-organized volunteers are there,
at least until the project is well underway. Please be very sensitive
to the fact that these dogs are part of a custody investigation. No
pictures of or communications about the dogs are to be disseminated to
anyone outside of the volunteer group unless it has been specifically
approved by me. I check in with the investigation officer to make sure
that anything that may be shared will not be damaging to their case.
Please do not jeopardize the use of our rescue's assistance by
violating this.
The dogs are doing remarkably well given the stressful environment
(barking poodles are hard to ignore). Reduction of parasite loads is
starting to show as a healthier distribution of their weight. A couple
have taken to the leash quickly. They know me quite well, whine when I
leave and greet me with a wag when I return. Socialization has begun
for many in their pens. The facility has a small park that is just for
the use of the investigation dogs. We have begun to get some out to
the park, in pairs or groups when appropriate. It is amazing how
quickly they become "normal" once they are out in the park - and once
they realize that the human has some good qualities. While most are
man-shy, many will come up to the gate to greet volunteers who visit
regularly with treats - bribes work! The ones that were most at risk due
to health concerns are currently in foster care and are flourishing.
The next step in determining their future is a custody hearing
February 11, which will be followed by a 30 day hold for appeals,
assuming custody is awarded to HCAS. Much of this was covered in an
online, to-be-printed news article:
If you would like to help with socialization and haven't yet been
contacted, please respond to me at with the
subject of "HCAS basenji socialization". I have been getting hundreds
of emails - the subject will help me to find you quickly. I must use a
form response when I can, given the number of emails I am receiving.
If you have additional questions, please send me a separate email with
the subject generally indicating what you need, if possible (ie,
transport, fostering, adopting, etc.). Other routine BRAT activities
in FL have greatly increased as the confiscation cases have been
unfolding, so anything that you can do to help keep communication
simple, efficient and quick is greatly appreciated.
Thanks again for all of your support,
Pam Hamilton
FL District Coordinator
Advisory Director
Basenji Rescue and Transport
Debbi Johnson
BRAT Treasurer & Director
Germantown, TN