Cody does, but I call it his happy grumble.
Bandit purrs, but has never barooed!
Buddy has never purred but barooos really loud at people we pass out on walks and at times it has startled people. He baroooed really loud at a plummer working in a driveway yesterday. They guy jumped a little. :eek:
Otis does this little moany thing when he settles into deep sleep…I guess that migt be like a purr..no baroos here though..well if he is happy, if he is sad (= locked up in his crate) he baroos and then all the other dogs start howling with him..like a fr--n circus, I tell ya' !!
Sighhounds…wish I'd thought of that one!! Abbey doesn't purr, she just lets out this soft little "oooof" when she lies down. It is funny though about barooing. Sometimes they do it for no apparent reason. And people just stand there and stare like "did that sound come out of that animal?" We met a little boy once walking down the street with his mom and Abbey took one look at him and went "ooooooo" like you'd do if you had a whole box of Krispy Kremes and knew you could eat half of them. He thought she was about to eat him but she was just saying Look Mom there's a little boy!
Mali does this occasionally. It's so adorable!!
Buddy has never purred but barooos really loud at people we pass out on walks and at times it has startled people. He baroooed really loud at a plummer working in a driveway yesterday. They guy jumped a little. :eek:
So, Buddy's a practical joker, eh? :D