Rocky is home from the vet and in his crate. He can't enjoy the company of the other dogs until the end of the weekend. The surgery went well, but the 'mass' was much bigger than I expected. The vet tech showed me the tissue that was removed and it is very large. The 'mass' has roots that were attached to Rocky's neck. Very strange looking, indeed. The tissue will be sent to a lab for a biopsy.
I was given pain pills for Rocky but no instructions how often to give one to him. It is difficult to know when he needs one. I'll have to call the vet's office in the morning and ask for more specific information about the pain meds.
The poor little guy has sure been through a lot in his 11 months. First, living in a pet store, then being attacked by a large dog at the humane society, a foster family, being transported many many miles, and now this. Rocky is very happy to be home with his pack and me. As bad as he was feeling when I brought him home, he wagged his tail when each of the dogs checked on him in the crate.
Rocky was the happiest to see my Eski male, Razzle. Razzle was with me when I picked up Rocky in St. Louis.