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And in looking at Mar J's Blazin Glory, he is really well line bred back to Bojak's Undercover Kojak. Just look at the pedigree at Queen Katie of Wolf Creek who is in the pedigree three times, his Sire's grandfather's Dam, His Sire's grandmother's great great dam and in his Mothers (Misty MNTS Miss Munchkin) she is her Dam. And she goes back to Bojak's Undercover Kojak, so the pedigree is really load on the sires side with possible Fanconi.
On your pups Dam side it is all Puppy Mill breeding with no health testing.
please dont'say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i looked up every single dog name on this pedagree and i got nothing in information!!. bojac's undercover kojack was a carrier!. that don't me he has it! i even talked to the owner of bojack's !. and he was breed with a dog that was labeled clear!. and you can do this from what i'm told! and that would have the disease!. that it has to be possitive fanconi to carrier, or carrier to carrier.!
please dont'say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i looked up every single dog name on this pedagree and i got nothing in information!!. bojac's undercover kojack was a carrier!. that don't me he has it! i even talked to the owner of bojack's !. and he was breed with a dog that was labeled clear!. and you can do this from what i'm told! and that would have the disease!. that it has to be possitive fanconi to carrier, or carrier to carrier.!
Where did I say that he had it? I was pointing out how many times in both sides of the pedigree that one dog goes back to Bojac's Undercover Kojack.
Please read a bit more carefully, my exact word were "the pedigree is really load on the sires side with possible Fanconi.
ohhhhh , sorry ! im reading to fast.!! i just hope he's not positive or a carrier!. i'll die if he is either one.! i just took him down to the dog park and he got in a fight! THIS BREED IS MEANER THEN SH``!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THERE VERY STUBORN WHEN THERE IS A DISLIKE OF A NOTHER DOG!!!!. THISHAS NEVER HAPPEN TO ME BEFORE!!!!!. THEY WILLNT BACK DOWN EITHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1.
and he was breed with a dog that was labeled clear!. and you can do this from what i'm told! and that would have the disease!. that it has to be possitive fanconi to carrier, or carrier to carrier.!
For the breeding in your dog's pedigree this is not correct. Bojak's Undercover Kojak in your dog's pedigree was bred to Undercover's Christmas Carol who is not tested. One dog from that litter is tested and is Fanconi Affected, Undercover Tri-Star Onyx, which means Christmas Carol was at best a Carrier.
If a carrier, he will not come down with Fanconi. Based on his pedigree I really think you would be better of to just neuter him and have a great family pet. And especially if he is fighting already at his young age. Remember, intact males fight and most dog parks do not let in unspayed/neutered dogs for just that reason.
For the breeding in your dog's pedigree this is not correct. Bojak's Undercover Kojak in your dog's pedigree was bred to Undercover's Christmas Carol who is not tested. One dog from that litter is tested and is Fanconi Affected, Undercover Tri-Star Onyx, which means Christmas Carol was at best a Carrier.
He was also bred to Viento's Grace of the Jungle (untested) and one dog from that litter tested Affected and one as a carrier. So that means that Grace of the Jungle was at best a Carrier
It is true that two carriers can produce Affecteds, Carriers, and Clears. So even if your dog's parents are both Carriers he may not be Affected. His fanconi status though is only one small part of the picture though and not reason enough to keep him intact.
The reason neuter him is that aggression is often aggravated by testerone so if he showing aggression and fighting with other dogs that is likely to escalate without you intervening. Neutering will lower the hormones and help but he also sounds like he is in dire need training. Also, breeders have worked really hard to improve temperament in this breed. There is no reason to breed a dog that is exhibiting temperament issues.
Hi, i was told that even if both parents are carriers'that it don't always mean's that they are fanconi affected! Or was i told wrong!!????
That is right, they are not always affected, however, it is not considered responsible to breed two Carriers. It is like play Russian Roulette and it is the dog that suffers.
Pedro, re the dog parks, maybe you shouldn't take him down there, or wait until there are fewer or no dogs…Its not good your boy is fighting at his age.
I understand you didn't plan it but if its happening, then please, make sure your boys interactions with other dogs are good.
Has he had any gentle basic obedience classes? If not, its really a place to start.
Pet Smart, Pet Co and most vets know of one. -
no classes yet but going to get him in one, and he goes down there and plays with other dogs all the time. !!i just dont really know what happen!!?? the guy did call me just to see if pedro had his shot, and i told him for sure is up to date on all his shot.!! but i did ask to if his was too . he said his dalmation's going to be fine. pedro got a mark under his eye and i'm useing nelsporin for it. and give it 3-4 days and it'll be heald up!. but man oh man they get meaner the a skunk!!!!!!!!!>