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How to stop basenji Duna from Scratching the door to get in????

Behavioral Issues
  • Hi..its me again with an other issue.:)
    I know im gonna get a lot of advice from you fantastic folks as always, so here goes.
    The title says every thing…almost! :p
    Yes, Duna stays out on my large terrazzo when she has to,She has a laundry to sleep in, but most of the time she's at night ,now that its summer and very hot...:rolleyes: i let her sleep out, where it's cooler and where she can be free to go to the wc, when necessary. :D
    She's always with Pimpa, my miniature pinscher, so she's never alone, but when she hears someone inside she goes crazy and wants to get in jumping up and down against the door and scratching it badly!!!:eek:
    ( once she accidently opened the door herself by crashing up and down on the door handle that i forgot to lock, and in the night, the little devil creeped on our bed and startled us as she was so silent!!):eek:
    It's not a wooden door but an alluminium green venetian one, that even the minimum scratch shows up horribly. It's ruined, :eek:but never mind only like to get her to stop as i have to tip-toe past that entrance and my bedroom window as not to be heard from her and keep them closed when she's out!!:(
    Any suggestions my miles across the sea FRIENDS???:confused:
    Thank-you so much!!!

  • Sounds like she doesn't want to sleep outside…might be frightening to be so far away from the pack? Is there a way that she could have a doggy door to come into the laundry room if she wishes? or go out if she wishes?

  • Mari,
    I have heard that Basenjis are afraid of the dark. Maybe she wants to be inside with her humans. They are very bonded with their humans and even though she has companion in another dog, she wants in. Otis does this, boxing, on the doors/windows when he wants either out to play/do his business or when he wants back in. I kind of like it, he tells me what he wants, without barking…lovely.

  • Medjai does that during the day a lot, he's overly attached to me, I already knew that, and I think that may be a reason too. 'Cause with Medjai, he will always follow me, and I can't even leave him alone with a family member when I go to the bathroom when we're out or he will whine and struggle to find me until I come back. When at home, I can leave and he's ok with it, but he wants to know where I'm at, and when he's in the back, he can't find me.

  • @Basenjimamma:

    I have heard that Basenjis are afraid of the dark. Maybe she wants to be inside with her humans. They are very bonded with their humans and even though she has companion in another dog, she wants in. Otis does this, boxing, on the doors/windows when he wants either out to play/do his business or when he wants back in. I kind of like it, he tells me what he wants, without barking…lovely.

    I have never heard that? Basenji's afraid of the dark?… the only reason that they would be afraid of the dark is if they have night blindness... and that would be obvious to be afraid since they can't see. (By the way night blindness is one of the first signs of PRA)....

    I would say this pup doesn't want to be outside with the other dog, but inside with the human pack....

  • @Basenjimamma:

    I have heard that Basenjis are afraid of the dark.

    Where'd you hear that? :confused:

  • My dogs would rather endure sweltering heat or freezing cold then be separated from me. They are fine if they can choose to come and go freely but not if they are prevented from getting to me when they want to.

  • I don't remember, now that I am put on the spot, but it was actually about a week or two ago. Maybe from one of the BRATs that I have been talking alot too, since I am becoming a foster. I will rack my brain, and if it comes to mind I be sure to let y'all know asap. I did also mention in my post that I thought she wanted to be inside with her humans.

  • @tanza:

    I have never heard that? Basenji's afraid of the dark?… the only reason that they would be afraid of the dark is if they have night blindness... and that would be obvious to be afraid since they can't see. (By the way night blindness is one of the first signs of PRA)....

    I would say this pup doesn't want to be outside with the other dog, but inside with the human pack....

    I think it's been discussed HERE in the past…although a long time ago.

    My two aren't crazy about the dark. At night they both hesitate at the edge of the porch and won't usually go potty outside the reach of the lights. After dark, they only out long enough to potty and then want right back in immediately.
    That said, they do make mad dash runs out if they hear certain noises -- when they're sure it's a rabbit or a deer and not a coyote or bear, probably LOL.

    I don't know how you can make the dog stop scratching at the door. She wants to be in with you, and the only way to let you know that is to scratch.
    I suppose your neighbors should be relieved she is a Basenji and not a barking breed! Hot or not, she wants to be inside at night. Short of putting up a barrier between the dog and the door, I don't see how you can make her stop.

    When Jazz wants in, she just sits pitifully by the door hoping we see her. Keoki, jumps and scratches to the point where he has pretty much ruined the sliding glass door -- I tell my husband that problem would be solved if he'd install a dog door!

  • Ok, so I figured it out. I was reading some old threads about everybodies names a few days ago, and one dogs name is Sissy, and she is afraid of the dark, snorky998 is the owner that is were I saw it from. I know it can't be that farfetched that B's can be afraid of the dark..
    I don't think there has to be an ailment for dogs to have certain fears.

    Oops, I got that somewhat wrong, her name isn't Sissy, but that is what she is called sometimes..sorry, snorky998

  • I think about being afraid of the dark is really not a "Basenji" thing, certainly as far as I know… as with any animal, a few might be... but if they were, I would wonder about their eye sight..... And when talking about rescues adults.. it is quite possible that they have eye issues that might cause them to not be comfortable in the dark....

  • Any animal can be afraid of different things, but it is not "breed" related…. It just might be those few dogs.... What might look to be afraid of the dark could as easily be "wary" of the dark until their eyes adjust depending on the degree of darkness.

  • This morning i kinda hid behind the door so to intervene when she would scratch…just an experiment...when she would scratch i'd open the door and say "No" and pushed her away...but this continued for about 4or 5 times and I soon understood that it could of gone on for ever. I had to remember that this was a basenji i was dealing with and not my pinscher that would stop at the first no. I was so sad to see her face poor love that i nearly cried!!! Ears Back and pushing to come in...there was a light in her eyes that struck my heart!!I could read in them " Mommy why dont you want me anymore.?..i only want to stay by your side"! ( im crying as im texting) I feel so guilty...poor Duna!!!

    Ps....fortunately she doesnt do this at night!! She understands that the day is over and everyone goes to bed....but its in the early as 5 o'clock that she wants to get in, and in some moments of the day when she has to be put out for some reason or an other. She doesnt stay hours though. I think she?s become bonded with me ever so much!!!
    When she gets to come in, i hide to see her going crazy to find me...smelling the track and in the end finding me!!!Thats the best bit!! Yesterday she actually wagged her tail. She'd never done that 4 a human..only 4 some dogs, not all of them!!

  • Don't you just love it when she wags her tail, it is so sweet to see that little curl wag ever so slightly..Otis does it to several people but not very many dogs..cute.

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