Why We Have Child Safety Locks
Is this just something you get or you don't with the breed?
Shango has NEVER ripped apart anything like that. I do not crate him when I'm at home (no worries, it's absolutely safe) and everyday I come home, nothing is destroyed and greets me at the door.
Are there other B's out there who don't destroy?
Sahara has destroyed lots of my stuff, basically when she was younger. Now she will surf my tables, kitchen counters when she wants my attention, this would probably stop if I walked her more. She never destroys her stuff animals or toys, just mommy and daddy's things! But what can we say, we still love her and try to remember to put things up out of her reach, daddy is worse than mommy about this now that she has learned her lesson. haha!!!! She is still worth all the stuff destroyed and more!!!! And by the way, she would love to get into my kitchen cabinets especially the one under the sink, there is a swiffer dusting thing that she just loves.
Mine do not usually make such a mess. My boy will chew and unstuff some types of doggie beds and he is the one that opens the cabinets and drawers. The girls enjoy emptying the cabinets and drawers that the boy opens. Even if we didn't have the safety locks it is not an every day behavior, usually it is an "I'm bored", behavior.