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Pooping in crate!

Basenji Training
  • @DiegosMom:

    Can't they knock it over to get out?

    Good Point. We had it in the basement so I put it around the pole to hold up the rest of the house. Dash eventually learned to jump on it to get it to lean and then he could squeeze under it. But that took some time

  • We have had issues with that at times too. It is usually a spite/nervous behavior. If someone comes in the house when we are not home it tends to happen. We have done two things to help. Strict, strict, strict schedule and multiple short walks. We only feed for 1/2 hr in am and pm, letting out before and about 20 min after both times. Sometimes she goes a whole day without eating much at all. Our vet said that is fine, and that if a dog is hungry enough, they will eat. Sometimes her stomach gets too empty, and she will vomit a little bile, so we do a couple of pieces for food as a bedtime snack. We keep access to water at all times.

    We still go through periods where she will do it for three days in a row or so, every couple of months. Haven't really figured that out yet.

    How many times per day is he pooping? Have you had a stool sample run, just to rule out any health issues?

  • @wrx227wrc:

    We have had issues with that at times too. It is usually a spite/nervous behavior. If someone comes in the house when we are not home it tends to happen. We have done two things to help. Strict, strict, strict schedule and multiple short walks. We only feed for 1/2 hr in am and pm, letting out before and about 20 min after both times. Sometimes she goes a whole day without eating much at all. Our vet said that is fine, and that if a dog is hungry enough, they will eat. Sometimes her stomach gets too empty, and she will vomit a little bile, so we do a couple of pieces for food as a bedtime snack. We keep access to water at all times.

    We still go through periods where she will do it for three days in a row or so, every couple of months. Haven't really figured that out yet.

    How many times per day is he pooping? Have you had a stool sample run, just to rule out any health issues?

    he is pooping 3-4 times outside and 1-2 times in the crate a day. he will be vetted (including stool) next week.

  • What is his feeding schedule and how much is he eating per day?

  • And what brand of food are you feeding?

  • @lvoss:

    What is his feeding schedule and how much is he eating per day?

    he eats around 7am and 5/6pm.. AM feed is 1/3 cup and PM feed is 3/4 cup. I was doing 3/4 cup each meal because he could probably put on a pound or two(and he is only 10 months), but the BRAT coordinator suggested to decrease the morning feed. And he is on Merricks (mixed with IAMS, transitioning him off IAMS from old owner). She also suggested maybe trying a grain-free food. Anyone think that would help??

    The past two days he pooped the first 4/5 hours, but not the second 2/3 hours, so thats some improvement!

  • Well, now that you have him on better food then the IAMS, I think that will help… grain-free might help... but really figuring out the amount he really needs is a key, all the extra would just be "pooped" away.... that is why it is hard to put on weight on many of our kids....

  • Ya just wait till he can't hold it. Our dear lovey has had a tummy ache a few times, he presses his but up against the edge of the kennel and sprays. Its kind of ingenious, but dude its a mess.

    Just get some oxy clean and clean it up.

  • @tanza:

    Well, now that you have him on better food then the IAMS

    You have me really checking now, which is a good thing. We are feeding the 2Bs Iams healthy naturals. I checked the Merrick website & checked guaranteed analysis of their basic adult food, & their best adult. What we are feeding has almost same analysis as merrick best. The nutritionalist we originally spoke with said Iams healthy naturals was a better choice than regular Iams. Now my curiosity is peeked. What to do to have a quality product that I can get locally (within 30 min drive) or a quality product that has to be ordered online (another province, even country). Make life more interesting.


  • How do we determine the proper amount of food and time to feed our Basenji?

    Darwin just turned 9 weeks old on Tuesday so he is still very young. Our breeder gave us some information that stated we should feed him 1/3 to 1/2 cup 2 to 3 times a day. I can not believe that I am reading on this forum that some of you only feed your dog once a day! Our little guy eats like a PIG in the morning and when I get home from work.

    I have been doing the 1/3rd cup trying not to give him too much but he still poops in his crate everyday while I am at work.

    Now I have figured out that the first poop happens just a short period (maybe 15 minutes) after I leave. I have even gone so far as to trick him, coat and shoes on and say goodbye and wait out in the hallway until he starts circling his crate to poop and then go in and take him outside and let him do it there and praise him tons and give him a treat and put him back in his crate.

    But the problem is even with doing that it seems that at least once during the day he will wake up from sleeping (I have a webcam setup that I can watch him from work as I am trying to learn his habits) and freak out and eventually poop.

    I am sure all of this is due to him being nervous…

    We bought him a smaller crate and he is better in it because he can't jump (the other one was too tall even with the divider in it).

    His new trick this last week is to dig like crazy in the crate and shred whatever kind of blanket we put in the crate... which sucks, it makes a huge mess with all the pooping (which he ALWAYS pushes out of his crate)


    1. How do I get him not to poop in his crate?
    2. What should I use in the crate? I want it to be comfortable but I don't want it to need replacing every other day! (and to be washed daily!!!)

    Thanks :)

  • What I did with mine was feed once daily when I got home from work. Usually he would go either later that night or in the morning. I do give them a biscuit in the morning when I leave.

    He may just be too small still. 9 weeks he is still just a baby.

    Dash was always terrible in the crate. He freaked out all day and almost always peed. We eventually switched to an expen and got a second dog. That helped but within the last year or so he decided he didn't want to be in there anymore either. So now he is loose. But he is also 5.

    As far as what to put in the crate, you could put puppy pads in there but he will probably destroy them. He will probably destroy what ever you put in there.

  • Thanks for the reply dash…

    Once daily might work, I just feel bad for him as I know I wouldn't want to eat that way!

    Can't switch to an x-pen. I built a solid plywood box 36 inches tall about twice the size of his crate so he could eliminate there (a setup like what the breeder had) but he jumped out of it the very first day! He cleared the 3 foot high wall at 7 weeks! So I can't imagine how tall of a system I would have to have for him now. I am very hesitant about encouraging him to eliminate in a setup like that though because then he thinks he can go other places in the house that are "similar" like if we leave a towel on the floor in the bathroom.

    I'm tempted to leave no blanket at all in his crate until he behaves better but again that seems cruel.

  • IMO, 9wks is too young to go to one feeding. And he should be going right after eating, so if you are taking him out after eating and he goes, then he shouldn't be pooping in the crate right after you leave…. and IMO, depending on how long he is home alone, like over 5 to 6 hours, he is too young to hold it... especially if he is getting worked up.....

    For the crate use newspaper then it is throw away....

  • Well, yes thanks for the info on the feeding, I agree with that.

    Regarding going after feeding, he usually goes in the morning, and then again after feeding and then he will do it in his crate like 15 minutes after I leave (even if he just pooped 30 minutes earlier!)

    But yeah, I came home during lunch the first week so that he could be let out at 4 hours and by the end of the week he almost was making it, but unfortunately I can't do that anymore. So while I know he might continue to do this for another month or so, I am just looking for any tips on minimizing it.

    Newspaper scares me as the breeder taught them to go on it. So if I put that in the crate, it is like encouraging it. Plus then he will still go crazy and mash it all with his paws and get it all over all the bars of the crate and fling it out against the walls :(

    I love my little basenji, but this part is the hardest!

    Thank you for the reply though! :)

  • You could try getting a plastic crate? They are a little better at containing the poop. lol And sometimes they feel more secure and less stressed in a more enclosed crate.

    Even though he hopped out of your box, you can still try an xpen. They make wire tops for them so it's almost impossible to escape. Then if you have a pen, he can have a small crate to sleep in, and then get a small kitty litter box or puppy pad that he can go on. If he's only 9 weeks then he can't really hold it more than 3 or 4 hours. You'll probably have to deal with the pooping for a while. It may complicate the house training issue slightly by allowing him to go in the house, but it can sure save you a lot of stress and clean up, and save the puppy stress too, if he has a way to eliminate during the day. As he grows up it won't be hard for him to learn that he really needs to go outside all the time now. You can phase out the litterbox. Also you can just leave a litterbox out in the house all the time while he's young. Still take him out lots and encourage the eliminating outside, but then he has a safe haven indoors to if he really has to go! Going on a puppy pad or in a special box that is scented to entice bathroom duties is very different than the dog just eliminating wherever it feels like it in the house.

    Also it sounds like you got him aweful young, he really should have stayed with his littermates a couple weeks longer. Yes, dogs poop more when they are stressed. It may take him a few more weeks to settle in with you.

    I would try just newspaper in the crate. I know they love to shred it, but it's the safest thing in that case. You don't want them to get a blockage from fibers. Don't feel bad about not putting anything in the crate if you need to. My dogs don't have anything in their crate, they have always been shredders so I just don't do bedding anymore, period. They have free roam of the house and all furniture day and night, except the youngster is crated when we're gone. But they only have to deal with crates when traveling or babies and that is when they are more stressed and likely to shred. I have one I guarantee will go at it the second you close the door. The others can be trusted occasionally depending on the situation. But they are just fine on the crate bottom.

    For feeding, you still should be feeding twice a day, he is aweful young. I would just give him a minimal amount in the morning, maybe a handful of kibble. Then you can give him a bigger portion when you get home from work. Then also if you need to add in another evening snack to make sure he gets it all, you can.

    Just remember, puppies require a lot of patience! :) Whatever you do, be consistent and it will pay off in the long run.

    Also, I live in SE Mich, so if you ever need any help with things, don't hesitate.

  • kiroja,

    Thank you for the reply. Being that we just switched him to a smaller crate, I am a bit hesitant to go to a 3rd crate right away as he already is showing signs that he willingly doesn't mind being in the smaller wire crate, which he never did with the somewhat larger one.

    As far as the x-pen with a top goes, I am going to look into that, I might go that route, thank you for that.

    We actually picked him up 4 days before we were supposed to (8 weeks) but it worked out much better for both the breeder and us … long story. But I think he is mostly over the separation already, that seemed to just really be an issue the first couple days.

    Thanks for the input on leaving the crate blanketless, he might get that as a trial run on Monday.

    I sure do wish I could come home everyday at lunch to let him out, but I just can't ... and there is nobody else I can trust to do it.

    I am going to adjust his food a bit so that the morning portion is much smaller and the evening portion is larger, hopefully that will indeed help a bit.

    And yes, we have tons of patience, I just don't want to find out that we could have done something a better way after it is too late, ya know?

    I live in SW Michigan, about 10 miles SW of Grand Rapids.



  • Nick, you're doing the right thing by tring to find out all you can do for your baby. Keep up the good work!

    Hmm, I might be in Kzoo in June or a couple other random days, if you want some puppy socialization time.

  • Ok, so here I am almost 2 months later, we still need help with this.

    Darwin is 99% a great, perfect dog…

    Except the crate... so here is where we are at:

    He sleeps in the bed with me and my fiance. She wakes up at 6:00 and takes him out to pee. He eats a little bit of food (no more than maybe 1/8th a cup) and plays a few minutes. Then she takes him back out after showering and he poops. He comes back to bed and sleeps with me for an hour. I take him out to pee again before I go to work and he goes most of the time.

    So then at about 7:45am he goes into the crate. All last week we used the small crate with 2 locks on it inside the big crate with that latched as well, because he learned how to open the latch AND BOTH SNAP LOCKS on the small crate. This week he will now be back in just the big crate with both latches and both locks. I feel he is now old enough to handle the big crate again.

    However as soon as I leave, he will freak out and poop in his crate. I know he does it right after I leave. The last couple weeks he actually only does this a few times (2 or 3) a week so I am starting to think maybe it will get better. However if we need to leave the house at all on the weekend or at night (even if only for 30 minutes) he will crap all over and make a huge mess even if he just went out.

    This is getting very old and is so disgusting.

    On a side note this week he has now been fully sexually erect when I get home from work 3 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No idea what to make of that yet, but he certainly will be getting fixed in the 5 to 6 month range and not waiting a year!

    Any advice?

    We have tried towels, rugs, newspaper, everything in the crate...he destroys and POOPS on all of it. And before anyone suggests putting nothing in the crate, we tried that a few times, he then never lays down and just shreds it to pieces with his nails and that is by far the worst kind of mess. The dust can be 2 to 3 feet around the crate in all directions and is very hard to clean up off his nails and the crate.

    So 2 things I want...

    1. Him to not poop in his crate 90% of the time.
    2. It not to be a 3 hour cleanup project when he does.

    Anyone got any bright ideas I have yet to try?

  • So your pup is now about 4mos old…16wks. That is still really young.

    Really, I would try an xpen (with a top) and litter box like Tanza & Kiroja suggested...that is the setup I have at home for night and it works great for me. The problem with a crate that is too big, your pup learns to go to the bathroom in the crate and then it is difficult to train them otherwise. For a bottom you could put a sheet of linoleum down...easy cleanup with that.

    I have my 15wk old b-girl set up with her crate (plastic medium vari-kennel) inside an xpen (with a top) with 2 litter boxes (with equine pine for a litter). She missed the litter box (and hit the wood floor) on occasion the first week, so that was why I put a second litter box in. Since then, she is 100% using the litter box. She's never gone to the bathroom in her crate (she's been with me a month now - came home from the breeder at 11wks).

    Regarding lining the crate for ease of cleanup, I would use paper towels if leaving the empty tray is not an option. At least all you need to do is throw out that part of the mess.

    When you leave to go out at night, do you leave him with any sort of interactive toy to keep him occupied. Kongs work great on my little girl (I put her kibble in and top it with peanut butter or cottage cheese and freeze it) do the busy buddies and squirrel dude toys that dispense food when they play with them. You might try something like that so that he is occupied as you are going out the door.

    That is all I can think of. I hope it helps. I know it is frustrating, but he is still little and this too shall pass. :)

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    Basenji Training
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    Exactly as it should be ! Happiness well deserved :grinning_face:
  • Crate training

    Basenji Training
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    He does only poop in his crate, no urine usually. I am trying to gradually get him to like his crate, but I do think it might be a lost cause. But yesterday I left for about three hours and left him in the kitchen. When I got back, I opened the door and looked down to see not only my cat waiting for me but my dog as well… He found a way to get out of the kitchen and have the run on my apartment. I now know why basenjis are called escape artists. I was happy to find that although he had an accident in the living room, he didn't destroy anything. But I won't count on one time to trust him alone. I am going to stick with the kitchen and try to make sure he can't get out.
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    Basenji Training
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    Shaye's MomS
    @Janneke: Sorry.. but she hates her crate… and she has to be in it for 8 hours a day... And you don't walk her in the morning...? I would start with making sure your dog is tired in the morning before you put her in her crate. And maybe you can try to leave her loose in the house so she can move around? This is not only to you, but I read it so often on this forum that dogs spend entire days in their crates... I just don't understand that people can put their dogs in crates 8+ hours a day (I'm not including nights..) I agree with Janneke here - if she hates her crate, she may pee in it because she gets extremely unhappy there. Not all dogs need to be crated - I've never had a dog who was crated, and the two I have now are loose when we're gone because Shaye, who was 10 weeks when we got her, always hated it, never changed, and started breaking baby teeth on it. When we leave we leave them with a treat to get their immediate attention, and they usually sleep or keep themselves busy, with no damage or upset. Of course, we aren't usually gone more than 6 hours when we leave them.
  • Crate training

    Basenji Training
    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    When you feed him in the crate and close do you walk away? I had a foster that was terrified of the crate and also suffered terrible anxiety w/peeing in the crate too. So I would feed him in the crate and then close the door and sit right there with him. At first I only closed the door half way, did that way for about a week then was able to close it all the (without latching) for another week. I would sit right next to the crate and praise him for eating his meals. Then I would scoot a few feet back at one meal, move back at the next and do that for a for a few times. Then I would stay at the few feet back. It is a slow process but it really really helped him in his crate training process and getting him over his fear. I was soon able to feed him in his crate and walk away. He was running to his crate and sitting for his meals. He still had his anxiety for long periods w/the peeing problem but we even worked on that were we could leave for short times and he wouldn't pee in his crate
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    Basenji Training
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    @Ann: Hi Dan. Thanks for your feedback. Noel will be 5 in November. (I don't know how she spent her first 4 years.) Our fence is 6' so other dogs can't get in…it's her reaction to them that could cause problems. I'm sort of a hyper worrier since Noel has a weak front leg. It was badly broken in December and, when there's squirrel/dog activity around the yard or in the alley behind us, she forgets about her leg and goes into a full run and jump mode. It's great to see her fly over our 2' stone ledge and run the periphery of yard like a guard dog or chase a squirrel back to its tree, but if left outside alone all day there's the potential that she'll overdo it and tire out her leg to the point of pain. I know I'm sounding over-protective...The vet recommends plenty of exercise but in small doses to avoid the fatigue thing. (I'll be posting some queries soon in relation to this!) OK Ann, now I see your dilemma here. This is a tuff one keeping a Basenji still or low activity especially when you're not there. The only other thing you could do is set up a kennel run or large dog pen to reduce the area. see this picture.
  • Here a Poop, there a poop,…..everywhere a ....

    Basenji Training
    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    How exciting! Caesar never had training problems, but Beta was a wreck. She was an angel the first 6 months and then she began peeing in any room that i wasnt in. At the time i had a townhome where the bedrooms were all upstairs. I had the stairs gated and my basenjis had full roaming of the living room dining room and the kitchen which was visually blocked by the kitchen countertop from the living area. Once Beta hit 6 months she began changing or adjusting to the home and the other animals (Caesar and the 4 cats). She became snarfy, she became food aggressive, and she started to sneak out of my sight to pee on the kitchen floor or in Caesar's bed. The downstairs wasnt huge, so I didnt understand that the area was too big for her. In her case, she was asserting herself as alpha to the other pets in the house. Beta had a very difficult life before I adopted her and it took me 2 years to finally teach her that you pee only on grass. I am not saying that your pup is pooping for the same alpha reason, but here is what I had to do to get her to stop. I was so frustrated and knew that she was no where near ready for basic training. I knew she was adjusting. I understood that what she was doing was behavioral not physical. I brought in a trainer who becan to work with her because I was out of ideas. He suggested that the area she had to roam in was too large even though it seemed incredibly small to me. He told me to keep her harness and leash on inside the house. This made Beta aware that I was on top of her. If she went into the kitchen, I was there holding the leash. If she was in the living room sitting, I was there. Sometimes I just attached the leash to my pants to make it easier. She never peed in front of me and basically stopped the behavior because I was with her. The other major thing I found that helped Beta with settling down was exercise. She required a lot more exercise than Caesar. When I moved to a place with a fenced yard or took her to the dog park she could just burn that energy off. I found with Beta, that treat training would just not work for her. She would get extremely excited about treats, but her behavioral problems were mostly affected by my actions and attention. Food didnt matter. Caesar was really easy with training because I adopted him as a puppy. I could use the crate for time outs and he understood and would improve. Beta lived in a cage for over 1year and a half straight which was too small and in her own filth. I couldnt and wouldnt use the crate as time out for her. She liked going to the crate, and going to the bathroom in her crate was easier for her because it was her environment for so long. Her problem was adjusting to the world outside. So, restrict the area and keep a leash on her. She may be getting too much free roaming space too soon. Can't hurt to try it. She will soon forget what she was doing. And dont forget to get that Natural's Magic (I think that is the name) for pet smells in the carpet at your pet store. This should keep her from revisiting the same spot if she is doing that.