renaultf1 … thanks for the reply, however I guess I failed to mention a few things...
The dog sleeps with us at night and that works fine, I don't want to crate him more than the 9 hours he already is.
Regarding crate size, the small one we are stopping using starting tomorrow... is barely big enough for him to turn around in and he has no issue crapping all over it and flinging it out and getting it all over his feet and making a huge mess. He honestly just doesn't care. I came home Friday night and he was even LAYING IN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't want to do the litter box thing because I want to get him to NOT GO while he is in his crate, not to think other things in the house that remind him of the litter box are ok to go on.
He rarely ever pees in his crate... maybe once a week. That really isn't even the issue. He poops because when he screams his butt muscles go through the pooping motion and it causes him to evacuate everything he has, which is always surprising as we ALWAYS make sure he poops before going into his crate. sigh
The linoleum is an AWESOME idea.
Paper towels work with 409, it just sucks doing it every day for 20 minutes (or MORE) and I was hoping to not have to do that anymore.
He does not care one tiny bit what is in the crate with him. I even gave him a piece of BACON one time and he would not eat it. I cam home to find it mashed into the poop just like he does with every other toy. He is absolutely possessed in his crate and will not behave rationally or normal at all.
This is all so disappointing because we love him to pieces while we are here, we are just both getting so sick of the mess every time we come home :((
I sure do hope he gets better!