Valley Forge Park, PA meetup?
Hi again,
I just got the correct closing hours for the dog park in West Chester:
closed M-TH 10-11:30am
We could try meeting at 11:30 some week day. There is a bit of increased activity during the lunch hours, but not as much during the winter. Alternatively, we could meet around 1:30-2 ish. First thing in the morning tends to be a bit too cold for my weather-picky boy (who am I kidding?? I'm not too fond of freezing my tush off either!), but we'd be flexible depending on others schedules.
Donna & Val,
Monday works for me. Name a time. If we do afternoon, I have to leave around 2:45 to pick up my son at school, so if we want the dogs to hang out a while, I could meet around 1-ish.
I know Lorraine can't do weekdays for now, but hopefully if this works for all, we can make this a regular thing. (meet up on the weekend next time)
Another option is to meet this weekend and try to work it so we can include Kaya and Lorraine…either plan works for me...I'm only 2 miles from this park, and we're there all the time!
Hope to see you soon,
Cindy -
Hi Val, Lorraine, Cindy, and any other Basenji lovers,
The only times, in general, when I cannot meet are Saturday afternoons and Wednesdays. This coming weekend I cannot meet on Sunday, but usually Sundays are very good for me.
If you meet this weekend, I won't be able to be there, but I'll be happy your basenjis are getting to meet and have fun together. However, I will be there the next time!
I hope to meet up with you soon.
Hi Val & Cindy,
Just looked at your responses more closely. If this Monday, January 12, is good for you, Hunter and I can be there.
If 1 o'clock is a good time, that's fine with me. I don't think leaving by 2:45 p.m. would be a problem, as I don't remember this being a very big park. However, if you want to choose another (earlier? slightly earlier?) time, though, that's also fine with me.
However, as mentioned in my last email, if you choose to get together this weekend so that Lorraine can also be there, I'm good with that too. As mentioned, since I cannot come this weekend, I would join you the next weekend if you all can meet on a Sunday.
Hope we are able to work something out for everyone – if not for the first meeting, then for the following ones!
I wont be able to make any weekday play dates until spring as I am training for a new position at work. My schedule will be way more flexible in the spring. I'm sorry I cant make the play date on the 12th but I could make it on Sunday 1/18 if anyone is interested (unless weather is snowy or wet) I can be flexible with the time, whatever is convenient for everyone else. I'll wait to hear.
Hi Val, Donna, Lorraine & pups,
I'll be at Lambert Park on Monday 1/12 at 1pm and Sunday the 18th at 10.
I'll also bring directions to the other parks in Phoenixville & Oaks - in case we want to make this a regular thing - we can switch up the location (Val I applaud your willingness to drive an hour for a puppy playdate, but maybe one of these other parks will be a bit more centrally located for all!)
See you all next week…Chase can't wait!!
It was great to meet you and your sweet Hunter this afternoon. It was nice for Hunter that there wasn't too much doggie activity and he could acclimate himself to the new park. I just wish it had been a bit warmer so Chase didn't get so chilly so soon! Hopefully Sunday will work out for all. I will watch the weather report…..
We missed you and your two pups!! Donna & I were there until 2:15pm when the dogs (at least Chase - Hunter has a nice warm coat!) began to shiver a bit. Hope everything was o.k. with you, and something just came up. We were worried that you had gotten lost. Hopefully we can meet you on Sunday.Cindy
Donna, Cindy,
Sorry I wasnt able to make it today!! I was thinking about the playdate all day, wanting to be there more than anythng.
I saw that Val didnt make it. Perhaps she got lost???? I hope not!! Finding the entrance to the park isnt always that easy. The first time I was there I parked in the back of the WaWa parking lot and walked down the hill.
Anyway, I still plan on being there Sunday morning and will keep an eye on the weather. If its REALLY cold or wet, we may need to reschedule since Kaya hates the cold/wet too!
I'm so sorry guys. I didn't realize I scheduled my annual GYN appointment at 1:20 yesterday. I scheduled it a year ago and complete forgot until they called to confirm.
I would love to meet you guys Sunday. I'm actually working on Saturday so this will work great.
Hi Cindy, Val, & Lorraine,
First of all, it was really nice meeting Cindy and Chase yesterday at Lambert Park. Chase is just so adorable and sweet! Sorry he got a bit chilly towards the end, but he seemed happy to be there. Hunter came home really happy too, so I think he enjoyed it (though he didn't participate as much as I'd like). Cindy, thank you very much for bringing directions to the Phoenixville and the Upper Providence parks. It would be interesting to try them some time.
We will be there again this coming Sunday morning at 10 (weather permitting).
Val, because it might cause you some confusion, I'd like to mention that there's no sign that says it's "Lambert Park." Cindy mentioned to me that part of a sign was vandalized, so nothing indicates the name anymore. On the windy driveway/road up the hill to the park, you will see a sign that says something like "Henderson High School Athletic Fields," and just beyond that you will see a visual sign indicating a dog park is up ahead. Oddly, at the base of the driveway, there is no sign whatsoever, though there is a little turning lane into the drive. At least that is what I see the way that I come. As Lorraine mentioned, another option is to park in the parking lot of the adjacent Wawa and walk the short distance down to the park.
Hope to see Cindy and Chase again this Sunday and to meet Lorraine, Val, and your companions.
See you soon,