• Want to start with a thank you to Robyn of Sherwood Basenjis. She was gracious enough to teach Mauigirl & I some basics of conformation this afternoon. Robyn looked at our dogs (I only took Lola), showed us her dogs & showed us basics to stacking & handling for the ring. We learned a LOT, and she was very patient with our newbie questions as well as Lola's fidgeting. She did her best at trying to stack Lola, who didn't want much to do with it. Here are some pictures… Sorry about the size but Andrew isn't around to do help me & I'm computer challenged.

  • Thanks again Robyn. I hope you don't mind us posting pictures because, um, you're in them. These are the favorite ones of Riley. I tried to make them a little smaller but it seems that didn't work out (I'll keep trying). Carrie and I have the opposite problem 🙂

    good body shot

    and good head and neck

    Edit: Got the size right finally!

  • Oh how I loves me some brindle babies. 🙂

  • Thanks for the help Nicki!!

    And I loves me some brindles, too!! Lola is my baby princess, and she knows it. Spoiled rotten drama queen, as Robyn can now attest to (the whole time she was on the show lead she was hacking, coughing and choking although it was extremely loose & not bothering her in any way whatsoever other than to inconvenience her.)

  • It was fun and I'm glad I was able to help you guys out. 🙂

    Next time we will work with Zip and Booger and try to get some pics of them.

    PS Lola really is a drama queen lol!

  • We're looking forward to it for sure. Can't wait for you to meet Zippy girl.

    We're bummed out that we're going to miss you at SONG practice tomorrow. Our last 2 practices each time we've wondered if we'd see you, funny that this time you're going and we're not! But we're excited for Carrie, Andrew and Booger's first official trial. It will also be Liz's first time to a trial, Zippy's first trial since May and her first time running in Open. The pups will get to watch and learn…We're meeting at 5:45am in the morning and no doubt we'll all be buzzing on caffeine. Should make for an interesting car ride with ALL of us in the van and the boys at opposite ends so they don't bicker over who has bigger balls. Should be fun and the forum will definitely hear about it when we get back 🙂 Gotta remember to take pictures....

  • @mauigirl:

    Should make for an interesting car ride with ALL of us in the van and the boys at opposite ends so they don't bicker over who has bigger balls.

    Andrew says "I have the biggest ones." Oh wait… you're talking about the dogs. :rolleyes:

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