My girls have learned to leave the cat alone, pretty much, after scarring has occurred. Gemma though, keeps trying to get her to play - she makes noises and goes down in front of the cat, who of course, hisses and swats her a good one - she has more fur than Shaye, so she has some protection, but I swear sometimes that cat eggs her on, lying right next to her favorite toys, etc., so Gemma can't get to them. It's funny to watch.
Who knew Kaylee likes cats..
Especially kittens….
This is Ramone the Cat
Oh, that is too cute…is that her new "baby" or just a visitor?
Probably just a visitor, my wife found her in one of her companies' rent-a-cars. We are fostering it for a bit.
Its funny, at first we thought she was trying to eat her, but then we got the cat a bit more comfortable with her and now they play and chill out together.
That kitty looks very small…is she/he eating ok?
yeah, doing just fine, she's only probably a month old
Too cute! I would definitly keep the kitten
Are you keeping the kitten?
wow, little baby, very cute