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Likes the shirt not the hood

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  • My cousins wife gave me a shirt her dog out grew. Dolce LOVES it but hates when we put the hood on she acts like her life is going to end.. hahah

  • I have fleece shirts with those hoodies for both my girls - the hoods just sort of flop around when they walk because #1, the won't stay over their ears, and #2, if they did, the girls would shake them off. Need to find a nice fleece that's hoodless. Dolce looks very cute in hers, whether she likes it or not!

  • Dolce looks very stylish in her hot pink hoodie– with or without the hood!

    Hoodies were like boots for me-- great in concept, but nothing doing in reality. Ditto those little raincoats that I thought would beat getting soaked by hated raindrops. Uh-uh.

  • @ownedbyspencer:

    Dolce looks very stylish in her hot pink hoodie– with or without the hood!

    Hoodies were like boots for me-- great in concept, but nothing doing in reality. Ditto those little raincoats that I thought would beat getting soaked by hated raindrops. Uh-uh.

    I thought I'd have that problem with the raincoats too, but I got ones I could snap the hoods off of, and surprisingly both of them seem to appreciate having the raincoats on to keep their backs dry. Every once in a while they shake their heads to get the rain off, but they know the rest of them is keeping dry. Not that it made them thrilled to be out in the rain, but it's a little easier now.

  • Thanks guys lol.. Yah the rain coat hood is an issue too the one I have for her is a little large and its hard for her to see.

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