There were two trials that day, one ASFA and one AKC, because we were doing the puppy match at the same time, I didn't watch the trials, but will see if I can find out for you. However I think he uses a whistle to try and recall his dogs at the end of a run… which doesn't work and he also has a daughter that shows JRS?
Lure Coursing Photos
The pictures from this weekend's coursing in California are finally up. There are some great shots of the dogs and of their owners.
I am particularly partial to this one of my girl Rio and my husband.
Great pics! Thanks for sharing!!
The first link wanted me to "sign in". I could see the second pic though. Very nice shot of Sam and Rio.
The first link wanted me to "sign in". I could see the second pic though. Very nice shot of Sam and Rio.
You can just go by the "login" request. Just click on continue
Thanks for sharing…really neat pictures!
Great Pictures!!!!
Sam was working so hard at the event. Kudos!!!!!
I even saw him running the field to retrieve something blowing in the wind.