Eli's First Show
I just got the call that little Eli took Winner's Dog and Best of Opposite Sex down in Louisiana this morning! Hopefully we'll have pictures soon to post.
His handler (my ex-husband) texted me yesterday to say that Eli took Reserve…..sounds great until you know that only one other dog was entered LOL....guess he was trying to break it to me gently. They said the Open Dog was very nice, so Congrats if he belongs to anyone on here. Friday and Saturday there weren't any other dogs entered. All in all, they said he did really well for his first set of shows. He wasn't a bit scared or upset and he apparently made lots of new friends and showed very well.
I have to admit that although I'm really excited he did well, I'm just a little disappointed that I didn't get to see him get his first point. ;) I'm glad he had a good weekend but I sure miss my boy and will be happy when he gets home tomorrow!
Congrats!!! :)