Otis, or should I saw my Dachshund Gus, thinks stuffing is unnatural…the animals should be sold without them, and squikers (SP?) too. Both of them love the animals once they are limp, unstuffed, just the stuffed animal skin...that is when they are the best..In Otis' and Gus' humble opinion..
Very cute pictures. I'm glad you posted these pictures. For some reason, I thought a Lowchen was a much bigger dog. Alfie is so adorable and of course Bandit is too. Bandit looks very young, wrinkles and all.
I know all about those sharp teeth, my husband and I were Sahara's chew toy for awhile. She is almost 9 mos. and has pretty much stopped that behavior, except when we are playing with her.
Same here too! I love that quote about feeling like the "walking wounded". That was funny. My hands used to hurt just looking at my feisty little baby toothed puppy. I can relate to that for the first couple months we had Duke. He is crossing his 9th month of life too. Not bad at biting anymore either, except for play. We worked on his biting habit for about a month in July/August. He's gotten the message about hurting me and playing nice. Ahhhh!