Relentless Pup
I don't have any advice for you Vanessa. But have similar aggravation with Daisy. She has to be on the bed with a good heavy lean into one of us on our legs. It's like intentional so we move over. So we move to have a bit more room and she gets up and puts another heavy lean into us again. I just hope to fall asleep so she doesn't bother me. I have booted her off so I can reclaim my space - she does come back though.
I slide mine around under the covers, if I need to. They are used to it, and stay curled up in a ball. I just push them to a new spot. They don't care…cracks me up! Occasionally I'll wake up with the girl's head on the pillow next to me, the covers perfectly arranged up to her neck.:D
Hmmm…definitely a dilemma. What I did with Ivy at that age is allow her to sleep on the bed, but she had to sleep in one place (on the left side of the bed, and of me, curled up). I just held her there, and eventually she would fall asleep and stay there. To this day, that is her sleeping place when she gets to be in the bed.
I can't imagine how you will be successful trying to get her to stay on the floor, because surely as soon as you fall asleep she will hop up? I would probably just give up, and try to have everybody find a space on the bed, and work on good bed manners, I guess?
I slide mine around under the covers, if I need to. They are used to it, and stay curled up in a ball. I just push them to a new spot. They don't care…cracks me up! Occasionally I'll wake up with the girl's head on the pillow next to me, the covers perfectly arranged up to her neck.:D
That is what we do, too. Especially me…if they are in my way, I just push them out of the way. Tim is more considerate ;) to the point that he will let them push him to the edge of the bed!! I always say 'just push them back!!'...maybe he sleeps more deeply?!?
One of ours, in particular Bella...always ends up with her head right inbetween the humans, on a pillow if she can manage it :)
Basenji "children" are easy to spoil, that's for sure. You gotta draw the line sometimes if you want to stay the "parent"….;)
Basenji "children" are easy to spoil, that's for sure. You gotta draw the line sometimes if you want to stay the "parent"….;)
That is very true. The line in our house is 'if you don't have good bed manners, you sleep in a crate' … period. But I can understand the concern of not wanting the dogs to be crated during the work day, and then at night too.
Sounds like you need a bigger bed.
Best of luck to you! We have a basenji bed hog every night. She starts out with my husband but always end up with me under the covers hogging the entire bed! My back has not been the same since we got her! LOL
Best of luck to you! We have a basenji bed hog every night. She starts out with my husband but always end up with me under the covers hogging the entire bed! My back has not been the same since we got her! LOL
Its insane. Kiya just wont let up. We have given in and now she pushes me in the middle of the night with her paws. I woke up at 7am on the edge of the bed with nails in my back :mad:
Its insane. Kiya just wont let up. We have given in and now she pushes me in the middle of the night with her paws. I woke up at 7am on the edge of the bed with nails in my back :mad:
Yes, I often wake up like that as well. It is amazing how they start out on the side and within a couple hours somehow manage to manipulate themselves to dead smack middle of the bed! Funny creatures these B's!:D
Part of the bed hog problem is these B's just want to be close to their people.We put our males blanket down on top of the bed and he loves to cuddle in the fleece if he get too warm he will get on top of the blanket and cool off but he will uncurl his tail so that the end of it is still touching you. All bets are off if you get up then its mine mine mine! He also knows he must be a good boy and no nightime exploring or its back to the crate. When we go on vacation it sure seems strange to have a whole bed but after one night we miss our snuggle baby.Our R/W may have the bed our tri girl perfers her crate but she RULES everything else or at least she thinks she does
Having shared our bed with 2 dogs and 3 cats for the last 8 years it was no inconvience the first night we had Bitty when she informed me that she was sleeping under the covers against my hip. Since the weather has started to warm up she does move up and pokes her head out from under the covers next to my shoulder. The only problem I have with her is the fact that she always sleeps facing me and I have those 4 feet pushing me all night.
Having shared our bed with 2 dogs and 3 cats for the last 8 years it was no inconvience the first night we had Bitty when she informed me that she was sleeping under the covers against my hip. Since the weather has started to warm up she does move up and pokes her head out from under the covers next to my shoulder. The only problem I have with her is the fact that she always sleeps facing me and I have those 4 feet pushing me all night.
And your point is???…:D (about the feet pushing!)