I know how you feel. It's horrible to live close to animal neglect. My new next-door neighbors leave their two dogs out 24/7– heat, rain, snow, lightning storm. They have a big fenced yard, but almost no shade. Of course, the dogs bark non-stop. There's no talking to people like that-- I've already been told to mind my own business. Maybe your neighbor will take you up on your offer... but probably not. It's sad.
Cat help needed
HI. We recently had tragedy when we lost a kitten. He was about 5 months old, a farm cat from a neighbor. We found him Sun. unable to move one rear leg, this gradually progessed to his other rear leg, and eventually was completely paralysed and died before we could get him to a vet on Mon. Does anyone have any idea what was wrong with him so we can prevent this ever again!? Thanks for any advice.
IM so sorry for your loss … it almost sounds like feline leukemia or feline aids... we had 2 litter mates die from it... And the symtoms you describe sound all to familar ... You might contact your vet and ask questions... If you have other cats, this is a highly contagious desease.